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"Yeah, let's go" He smiled and got up.

No One's POV

~An Hour Later~

"So how are we planning to do this..."Aries contemplated, the mask that is magically stuck to his face, shining from the light from the ceiling.

The pale warm grey of his mask contrasting his dark-ruby eyes; looking around the room of 11 Primals. "We know which server he is residing in, the likely hood of the entire server being a mess is going to make us finding him difficult..." Xerneous says as he looks at the blueprint of 303's liar, squinting at the small handwriting in black ink.

"Though there are less of the corrupted since their main focus has been weakening the servers as quickly and much as possible. 303 seems to be impatient and attacking the bigger servers," Pisces spoke up, looking at the recent records of the recent attacks. The rest was agreeing with her conclusion for his such actions.

"He is causing the Admins of the servers to be extremely wary, tho they and the Watchers can fight off the followers easily. 303's two known appearances are making them very agitated, " Hyd spoke up, showing them the pictures of that chat the Admins had, showing the great worry of what the Primals are planning to do.

"Should the other ranks join?" Pixel spoke up what they all had running in their heads. "I suggest not. It would be suicide for them". AppleG spoke up, the rest agreeing with him. "Unnecessary bloodshed if those ranked bellow Tertium(3rd) join magic wise. But we know there aren't many with combat skills that even par with his combat style." Defek bluntly said. 

"If we rely too much on our powers..." Defek continued, eyeing everyone in the room sternly. "We will lose against 303 when he goes full out. And by that I mean he can beat us in terms of magic because he doesn't from our knowledge receive any consequences from overusing magic, able to infinitely use it as long as he is alive. The second incident in Skeppy's drained a lot of our energy, and he was barely fazed, the first time was probably testing his powers" Silence enveloping the room.

"Xelqua? Thoughts on what I have said," Everyone's attention was now on Grian, who looked deep in thought but he was acting. 'Xavion what was the question?' "Just say he is testing the waters and something is off about him. About how he isn't teleporting around like he usually does." 

"He is testing the waters. There was something off about him..." Grian said, trying his best to look like he was concentrated at what they were talking about.

"Something off?" Aries raises an eyebrow in confusion. "He isn't teleporting around like he usually does, he would take the hit for some reason..." Aquarius seemed to have caught on what he was saying "He knew we would go full out against him, he needed a gage of how we are combat wise. Tho that may not be his main motive...." She muttered the last part to herself.

"Just great, what a domino effect. What does 303 have planned now? He clearly knows what he is doing" Xerneous yawned, rubbing his eyes on exhaustion. It was three in the morning, and he just returned from taking care of a bug 303 left in the servers, having little to no sleep for the past few days.  "We need to do something to calm down the players, them panicking is what 303 wants," Leo deadpanned, messing around with the controls on his robotic arm.

"Or we could make a distraction" Pixel piped up. "I could make a distraction in Hermitcraft" A shine of mischief shone in Grian's eyes. "The pranks that have been happening in the server?" Xerneous huffed in amusement. "Riffs and Zloy's commentary on what's happening makes me jealous I can't see the mayhem that you caused myself."

The Protector [Grian | Hermitcraft] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now