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"Well..." He started.

"...Skeepy is acting...off" Zelkam says as he brings him into the room, struggling against the binds he had. Pixel stared, slight panic washed upon his face. "Did he take the pills as I told you so?"

Zelkam shook his head, "His bottle isn't open yet, so I assume he didn't"

"...This is pretty bad, follow me. I need to get Defek's help" Pixel motions to a portal that appeared, Zelk hesitantly nodded and dragged the Tertium (3rd) Admin through it.

Pixel sighed and looked at Grian. 'He should be fine' And he rushed to help Skeepy with his problem.

Not long after he left, Grian woke up. "Grian! You finally picked up!" Iskall's voice came through the communicator.

"Yeah yeah I'll be there" Grian mumbled, painfully dragging himself out of bed. 'Pixel is going to kill me' He thinks to himself as he used his magic to cover up the bruises and bandages. Especially the burns.

"Grian no, the corrupted code will-" And Grian once again ignored Xavion, who tried his best to communicate to the builder.

Grian logged into the Hermitcraft server and stumbled, wincing as he shakingly stood up. He grabbed his elytra and headed towards the HQ, trying to focus as his vision on his left eyes was slightly hindered by the bandage.

Grain stumbled into the HQ, rushing up the water elevator to meet with the group, putting on a cheeky smile. "Are we all ready?" Grian says, trying to ignore the throbbing pain on his back he gripped onto the edge of the table, trying to stabilize his shaking arms.

A chorus of agreements was heard, and he typed into he communicator that they are ready. "Lets's go!" Grian yells when they were given the signal, the group rushed past him to get onto the water elevator as a mini chaos broke out.

"Hey, Gri! You coming?" Ijevin yells, standing by the door of the water elevator, Grian nodded and let out a slight wince when he landed, following Jevin. 'Let's hope I can keep this up for long enough' He thinks to himself as they rushed to team STAR's base.


"Hey, anyone knows where the troublemaker went?"Hyd says, which made Pixel confused. "Xel. He isn't in the medic bay like you said Pix, not anywhere from the HQ" Pixel and a horrified look and rushed back to the Medic bay, Hyd following behind.

"Hyd, we need to find him. He hasn't fully recovered! He was badly hit by 303, and the likely hood of suddenly going feral is high," Pixel stressed.

"Oh no, he hasn't taken the pills for the glitched codes? That's going to be painful..."

"...He is most likely one Hermitcraft. You may need to go alone, I have to return to the controls" Hyd says and logged off, returning to his server as another problem spiked again.

" ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ, you idiot..." Pixel huffs, making his way to Hermitcraft, since he was not whitelisted he has two choices. Break-in or wait for one of the Watchers to allow him in, knowing that the Admins are too busy.

Pixel decided to go with the latter as he waits at the border, hopefully, either Zloy or Riffs comes by so that he doesn't have to break into the server just to drag Grian out. Soon enough Zloy comes by and is surprised by his presence.

"Let me in" Zloy looked at the Primal dumbfounded. Pixel just glared at him unamused, Zloy got scared and opened the border for the Primal to go through. "Pixel, you better be back in 15 minutes. The server likes going haywire" Hyd's voice came through the communicator.

The Protector [Grian | Hermitcraft] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now