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"Shut up." I hissed, gripping onto my sword tightly.

"Well, I guess you lose" And he lunged at full speed towards me.

Xisuma's POV

I woke up to ice water in my face. I bolted up and whipped my head to where I assumed, the person who decided to wake me up with ice water to the face. 


He had a panicked look, which means there was something really serious. His ruby red eyes pierced throughout the night, the silver moonlight reflecting in his eyes. 

"The main is under attack. We need to help the others now, let's go" He hastily said as he started to press the buttons on his communicator. I sighed softly and went to get dressed, getting my armour and putting on my helmet.




Enter Spectral Craft?


The moment we entered, a hoard of player-like entities attacked the very few Watchers and Admins. The different shades of green pixel-like particles float around them as they seem to break the law of the standard player's rules, dissolving into numbers when killed.

'What are they' I thought to myself as I wanted to ask my brother about them.

I turned my head to the left to see my brother protecting me from the hit. He hissed in pain before it got killed. 

"Watch yourself, little bro," He warned me before taking off into the skies and joining Primal Watcher Aries.

I too flew around and began attacking. Soon the other admins and watchers have joined. However, the unknown entities seemed to almost multiply like rabbits.

But soon, we began to tire out. The marks started to glow softly from over-usage. I cringed in pain as I blasted the Jade Green magic at a few of the corrupted.

"Xerenous!" I heard my brother's name being shouted, to see him falling. I was stunned in fear before someone swooping down like an eagle to catch him, his wings were the colours of the Primals, the Royal Yellow and Amethyst Purple.

He harshly landed, a flap of his wings and the surrounding corrupted where thrown off their feet, some dying by the blades of the Admins and Watchers around.

We always see him in meetings, but he would rarely talk. However, we all knew that he could single-handedly take down most of us without batting an eye. His identity was still unknown. He was a mystery, for sure. 

He looked at Aries and Pisces, and they had a silent conversation, he appeared in front of me with my unconscious brother in a flash, nearly making me jump into the air in shock. 

"Xisuma Void, right?" I could not see past the glasses he had, but I felt his stare, I just nodded in pure fear. I have no idea why I felt scared of him, but that seemed to be the case.

"Bring your brother back to the HQ's medic centre, quick." His voice held concern. I nodded and took him from the Primal's arms. I turned around and was about to run to the HQ

The Protector [Grian | Hermitcraft] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now