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Tick-tock time is...up?

No One's POV

As the sharp jet-black magic that almost surrounded Grian as it launched at him, it stopped for a second, when that happened, he felt something thrown at his back, a sudden rush of energy with the mix of adrenaline; he rolled out of the way of the attack that dug deep into the ground, making him struggle to hold up the shield on the server that he put up. Grian did not leave unharmed though. His right-fore harm had the scratch marks. He hissed in pain as the rain touched his open wound; blood dripping onto the ground, diluting the puddle of water.

"Just in time" Joe muttered while using his powers on bind 303 down, struggling to do so. "Haven't used my powers for so long, I think I'm getting rusty in combat" He light-heartedly joked as 303 trashed wildly in the binds while he was struggling to hold the entity down.

Grian smiled as he felt refreshed; body no longer burning as badly as earlier another splash potion of healing was thrown at him, closing his wounds so that he would not bleed out. Joe was on the roof, large Jade-green wings drenched from the thunderstorm.

"Well, let's end this quick" Grian said, dual swords positioned for battle. Joe nodded as he made his powers tighten its grip on 303, it could not teleport away as the Jade Admin's binds were eating away his code, making 303 focusing on not dying and escaping the Jade Admin's hold.

Grian swung the dual swords as it glowed purple and yellow as it sliced 303, but before he could be finished off again, he managed to escape, barely.  "Looks like you win again Xelqua" He whispered before disappearing. 

Leaving the server.

Grian shouted in anger, slamming Jekyll and Hyde into the grass, luckily the shield he put was still on, and he did not cause a massive crack on the ground. "I was so close, so close to ending 303..." Grian was shaking, his pent up emotions spilling, he started to sob uncontrollably. Joe began to calm the Primal down while using his wing as a shelter for the Primal from more of the rain. Joe kept quiet as he held the small hermit.

"Thanks, Joe..."Grian managed to mutter out after minutes of sobbing. He was enveloped into a warm hug. "Let's return to your base. They are waiting " He nodded, and Joe teleported them back to the base. The thunderstorm seemed to have died down and become a drizzle.

"How's X?" Joe asked while Grian collapsed onto one of the beds, both Admins still drenched. "He seems fine" Zloy answered while Riffs went to manage some of the burn wounds on Grian, the potion of healing doesn't heal magic burns. Zloy went to hand the towel to Joe and Grian as they dried their hair.

Grian thanked Riffs and pulled down his sleeves, covering up the bandages. "We should open the server when X is well. I don't think the server will do well while he is down." The three agreed and spent the time talking about the other Hermits, first impressions, what happened in earlier seasons... etc.

His worries and fears seemed to have disappeared, it was a first time in a while, where he felt so free, so happy. Well, that won't last for long, and he knew that.


After the incident, the hermits paid no mind to the 'Server maintenance', tho X was extremely suspicious at Joe and Grian when looking at the log about the server maintenance when he was out; which was during a break-in of 303 too, which he did report to the Primals about.

Xisuma noticed there was another meeting of the top three-tiered Admins which there was 15 altogether. X sighed, at least his headache is gone and prepared to log off of Hermitcraft.

The Protector [Grian | Hermitcraft] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now