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"Xelqua, I need to talk to you regarding your role after this" Aries whispers to Xelqua.

No One's POV

The room started to empty, some giving a glance at the two that just stayed in their seat, but knew it was probably between the leaders. 

Leo was the last to leave, the sound of the door being closed echoed throughout the room. Now, silence filled the air of the meeting room. Both are knowing very well how dire the situation is.

"So   ̇/ᒷꖎᑑ⚍ᔑ, how are things going in the Server?" Aries breaks the silence, his deep voice clashing with the silent room.

"So far, there hasn't been a threat. But we know full well that Hermitcraft, will the first few servers they target to cause a catastrophe" He softly growls particularly to no one but himself, his voice dropping an octave down from his normal voice.

"It is hard locating them, they are good as hiding as a chameleon, and tactics like a snake. Hiding in plain sight and attacking their target with great accuracy and power."

"We may have to tell this to the public soon ᔑ∷╎. You and I both know that they will not react kindly but-" Xelqua cuts himself off, looking around in panic.

Aries noticing it too held up his guard, eyes turning blood red looking for him.

Sudden cold laughter filled the air, the air in the room went still, sending chills down their spine. Both knowing very well who that laugh belonged to.

"You little pawns of the creation brothers, how pathetic! Are you getting afraid of a simple laugh? And you dare call yourself 'primals'"

The mocking voice floated in the air, refusing to leave.

As tho forcing itself to be recognised and remembered by heart.

"While the threat looms dangerously close you decide that it is best to hide the truth Arryan? And plan to lock your real power out of fear until now? After two near-death experience, Charlie?"  The voice changing into a criticising one.

"You have no idea what a true Primal is. Notch and Herobrine may have barely earned the qualification to be called a Primal, and they are still naive teens the last I met despite being a grown gentleman."

The mocking voice became a harsh, heavy voice like a sharp knife penetrating your stomach.

"Maybe if you prove yourself the next time we meet, I may reconsider. Aaron Arryan Aries and Grian Charlie Xelqua."

The voice disappeared like the howling of the wind, still lingering in the air.

"I haven't heard my full name in English or in general for quite a while, almost forgetting it" Aries voice soft like a feather, contradicting his appearance.

"Yea...And now we have another challenge. He is not our main concern now. Entity 303 is still our main problem here" Xelqua sighs.

"Haven't been hearing that voice for quite a while, it sounds so foreign yet nostalgic."

Xelqua hums in reply, not having anything to comment.

Both had come to terms with their given name, but not the name that was given to them by the code.

It reminded them about their life beforehand. And how they called each other by their middle name but soon went on to their given name and surnames.

"You should rest   ̇/ᒷꖎ, and I know you have been staying up to do your duty as a protector. But being low on energy and burning out is not healthy." Aries speaks in the voice of a caring older brother.

His voice was persuading and comforting, like a soft blanket wrapping around you to keep you warm from the cold.

"Y-Yea I will, you should too ᔑ∷╎" Xelqua sighs, not bothering to fight with the hot-head.

Aries patted his head before walking off, giving him one of his rare smiles. His bedrock mixed diamond, obsidian armour clattering as he walks back to who knows where.

Xelqua sighed again and sat on the arm of a chair as he looks around the meeting room. Silence. He started to fiddle with is pendant,  gold vines clasping tightly onto a gem.

The gem was a mix of Royal-Yellow, Amethyst-Purple and hint of pure gold, black and silver dancing around inside the small gem. It was slightly bigger than a size of his thumb.

That gem contains something he had feared to control because before he locked more than half of his power inside the gem.

He lost control.

And the original twelve already had a hard time fighting him at that state, and nearly died at his hands. Notch and Herobrine had to help as well as Mitra, Lucias and Jane.

He has then locked his power, fear chaining him, fear of killing his family by his own hands.

He stared at the gem for a while, looking at how the colours seemed to be swimming around, like fishes in water.

The beautiful colours in the gem may have passed off as a marble stone of a gem if not for the crystal look it held.

'Plan to lock your real power out of fear until now? After two near-death experience, Charlie?'

The words echoed in his mind. He knew very well that they would not have died if he used his full power. But he doesn't know the outcome if they would fight him if he lost control.

"I should ask them to help me, they blessed me with the power that I have locked fully. But first the best person I know to ask" He says out loud to nobody but himself.

He hid back his pendant and walked out of the room, heading to were Lucias usually is.

'Maybe if I learn how to control my locked powers bit by bit, I no longer will have a fear of losing control.'

He walked along the silent hallways. It was two-thirty in the morning what do you expect in the HQ?

The continuous left and right turn lead him to the training room, where he saw a boy with heterochromatic eyes. Pastel blue and purple. His hair the colour of sand but brighter.

His typical outfit of a hoodie with a midnight-blue scarf wrapped around his neck.

Whenever he moves, you can only see the light in his eyes, which reflect gold instead of the pastel blue and purple he has.

He looks as tho he was a normal naive teenage boy, but he was swift in his feet and precise in his powerful attacks.

His eyesight and speed are the scariest when it comes to him. And power is not to be messed with.

"Ah hello, Xel, what brings you here?" He looked at him, the golden eyes turning back to his heterochromatic eyes.

"Hello, Lucias, I need your help."

Sorry not updating for a bit, school has been busy. I hope you enjoyed this book so far! Have a fantastic day/night, everyone! (I may draw Lucias, Mitra and Jane if I have the time :D)

The Protector [Grian | Hermitcraft] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now