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Xelqua nodded wordlessly as he watched the door close. Turning his head to his tired guardian.

He sighed softly as he stared at the blue sky.

No One's POV

" ̇/ᒷꖎ" A weak voice floated in the air, Xelqua whipped his head to the source to see his guardian awake, sitting up.

" ̇/ᒷ∷リ𝙹⚍ᓭ? Are you okay?" 

"Yeah..." His voice trailed off, as tho he was in a daze. "Is Xisuma okay? "

"He is fine, and we have a meeting at 2. It is now 1:30...You joining?" 

"Well, I have to don't I? I am just below Aries, and you too have to go, you are technically the same "rank" as Aries and Aquarius, you three are the "main" leaders after all." He smiled.

"That is true, but if you're too hurt to go then don't" Xelqua sighed.

"Well, the former leader-"

"You know we dont talk about him" Xelqua snaped, cutting Xernous. "Sorry, didn't mean it to sound harsh, but yea, don't mention them. Especially him."

"Okay,  /ᒷꖎ "  Xernous smiled apologetically, ruffling Xelqua's hair.

"It's okay ̇/ᒷ∷リ. I'm going, are you?" He replied, smiling.

"Well, I have to now that you're up" Xernous chuckle softly as he stood up and used his magic to change into his usual outfit, putting on his helmet.

Xelqua/Grian's POV

"The former Leader is alive, isn't he? It is clear that he is not the 'Original' leader that you all claim to had led you guys." 

'Sometimes you know too much about me...But yes Angel of-'


I unconsciously let out a chuckle, which Xernous heard and gave me a weird look; I shook my head, and we continue to make our way towards the place where the meeting would start. 

Xernous was doing something with his helmet while walking; though being alert, he was fixated at whatever he was doing at the moment.

'They do not need to know of your existence. It will make both our lives more complicated.'

"I have made so many enemies; we are bound to run into one of them. "

'Well, seeing your past i would be surprised if you didn't make any, oh wait, you permanently killed almost all of them.' 

"At least I rid them of their existence, banning them would cause so many problems, banning them means they could eventually break down the servers barriers and re-enter the server they were banned from and can excess other servers again."

'hmmm, you're right. You made powerful enemies; after all, they are bound to be able to break the barries without much problem once fully recovered.'

"That darn Dragon and the Wild Wolf."

'You dislike Jane and Mitra a lot, don't you' I smirked.

"Those two cursed deities made my mission so complicated to finish after permanently killing them."

'Well, you succeeded, in the end, didn't you?' My face scrunched in visible confusion, he was infamous for the crimes he committed during the early times. There was an infamous one of obtaining the power of the Original Dragon diety's power but was killed off soon after by the creation brothers. That was his last and deadliest crimes.

The Protector [Grian | Hermitcraft] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now