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"I see. When are we planning to infiltrate 303's liar?" 'When we have confirmed where he is, hopefully before he starts successfully invading the larger servers.' "Yeah"

A few days went by, both team's headquarters progress improving each day, Grian has already fully unlocked his Admins powers, tho after meeting up with Pisces and Leo, Grian was confused why they wanted to meet him which they just said they wanted to give him a gift. 

And the Primals are close in finding 303. Grian continued building the headquarters, most of them already left to work on their projects and probably sleep.

"Xelqua, you need sleep" Xavion growled in annoyance at the stubborn builder. Grian just hummed as he placed the white terracotta, movement sluggish. 

"These past few days, you have been avoiding sleep...Is, is it the memories. Have they...Are they resurfacing?" Xavion concluded, worry evident in his voice. Grian paused in his action. "I'll take that as a yes"  Grian felt Xavion's worry and panic skyrocket.

"There is nothing you need to worry about" Grian mutters as he glides down with is elytra, looking at how the headquarters is going from the outside. 

It was a quiet night as usual, Grian stood there, he was pretty exhausted from the lack of sleep. Grian closed his eyes and nearly fell before Xavion took control and managed to catch himself.

"Go AFK. I'll help with catching up with sleep" Xavion sighed, not knowing how to deal with Grian's problem. 'Alright...'

Xavion took off, struggling to get used to the elytra as he returned to his base. He sat on the bed, falling asleep as Xavion re-energised since Grian could not sleep, Xavion knew that Grian needed a break, mentally. Going AFK for a while is probably the best.

Xavion did best impersonating Grian, which luckily did not cause any suspicion with his excellent acting skills and how Grian's key personality seemed to come naturally to him.

'Xavion, I'm okay now. Let me take control' Grian told Xavion who surprisingly did not flinch at his sudden appearance. "Alright"

Grian was back in control and was filled in on what was happening. "So, the Ceasefire has just lifted days, and now there is this chaos? Interesting" Grian muttered. Looking at the ground where the fire freshly lit at random points.

"The fire did minimal damage...this is going to be a long war, a long but fun one... Bananas, what an amazing code word" He said as a smile crept up to his face. Well, he won't be getting away private messaging Grian as it would make it more obvious.

Grian was in the G Team headquarters, working on the traps when his communicator buzzed.

<Munbo> BANANAS 

Grian panicked a bit. He quickly messaged those that were on the server. Realising that Stress was currently the only one online, he became worried about how it would go down. He messaged the rest to attempt to get them in the server. Iskall logged in, and they made a beeline to the armoury to do the amour stand trick, Stree quickly put all her stuff in the chest and went to make all her dogs stand. 

They took the indivisibility potion and rushed to their positions, staying as still as they could with the armour they had on, hands twitching to grab the sword in their Hotbar. They tensely watched as they see the name tags that float above their heads, hearts pounding loudly in their ears. The spoon started spamming in the chat Bananas as Grian mentally shouted to himself. The blocks broke as some of the STAR Team members entered the room, everyone on high alert, staying close together.

The Protector [Grian | Hermitcraft] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now