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"Ah hello, Xel, what brings you here?" He looked at him, the golden eyes turning back to his heterochromatic eyes.

"Hello, Lucias, I need your help."

No One's POV

"Mmm...With the power she gifted you? Or...?" Lucias suggested as he takes off his scarf and placed it at the hanger near the entrance. While the phoenix-like sprit perched on his shoulder. The spirit of his weapon, Benedicia the soul of the Blessing of Light and the Cursed Darkness.

"Mostly the power, " Xelqua says as he looked around the training room, he barely comes here believe it or not. 

Weapons and armours hung neatly on the walls glistering in the lights, however, the dummies looked as tho it was repeatedly ripped apart without holding back. The soft fluffy interior of cotton barely held in by the thin line of string, threatening to spill out. The cloth having burnt marks and there was barely any untouched cloth of the dummy, which was littered with poorly stiched-back cuts.

Xelqua/Grian POV

"Is that so?" Lucias looked at me straight in the eyes, his face held no emotion but eyes scanning his face for any signs of a lie, like how an eagle stares at its prey, waiting to swoop down. 

"Yes." My voice firm, staring back.

"Okay then." 

Lucias walked towards me silently and in a flash, grabbed my pendant harshly and started to chant in a foreign language. The pendant glowed bright Gold. An electrifying pain and power coursed through my body, I closed my eyes immediately and crouched down in pain. As Lucias continued to chant and held onto the pendant, he used his free hand to stabilize me as I was barely even standing. 

Soon it dimmed and he released his hold on the pendant. The pain subsided and I felt much more energetic, he helped me stand up. Benedicia has not moved and continued to blackly at me with its heterochromatic eyes.

"That was fun," I said sarcastically, I could feel that Lucias rolling his eyes, chuckling.

"The deity of the Light and the Cursed, laughing? Who knew?" I joked and got a jab in the stomach.

"Very funny Xel, Anyways..."His suddenly joking tone returned to a slightly strict voice. "I have unlocked the section of the power, now, about the power she had gifted you." He gestured to the spirt perched on his shoulder. 

I just nodded and be both sat down on the spruce-wood floor, and he began to explain his powers. Which I now too have.

"Now, you know I am labelled as the 'Deity of Light and The Cursed', my powers revolve mostly on healing and protecting, basically a Sheild and Medic, support in battles.  Assault is not the root of my magic, at least that is what I show, but that is the strength of my power. "  He explains as the cast the Golded-like magic and started to make movements and his magic danced gracefully.

"Now the downside of this..." He stared at me with full seriousness in his eyes, the Golden-like magic stopped and floated in the air still, the particles of dark blue flickered in it.  

"When healing the injuries, you would feel the pain although you would not have any physical injuries.  If casting a shield and it takes damage, you feel the damage that was done. Basically- It is both a curse and a blessing." He sighs, clearly not liking how it sounded.

We both knew that this was the power that was gifted to me by the spirit of his weapon, Benedicia the soul of the Blessing of Light and the Cursed Darkness, the power itself that manifested itself into a soul and enchanted Lucias' weapon, basically, possessing it. (And- I can't explain crap oh welp I tried.)

The Protector [Grian | Hermitcraft] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now