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The Watcher steadied his breathing, and shakily said, "...Invaded Islands"

Grian could feel the sudden breath caught in his throat, eyes widening at the recognition of who was in danger as his grip on the dagger tightened. 'Again? Is he that persistent in making Skeppy's life a misery?'

"Mega, is there any way you could make an entry?" Grian questioned, hoping that they all are safe.

He nodded, waving his hand as a Jade-Green portal appeared before them, ever so slightly flickering. Grian nodded back and sprinted into the portal, the green particles surrounding him as unsheathed his dual swords.

Grian reached the lobby. It seemed fine, but he began sprinting towards the portal 'Survival', pushing the crowd of people in the server who looked at him annoyed. Purple particles floated around him as he entered the portal.

"XELQUA WATCH OUT" Xavion yelled, Grian dodged a blast from a certain someone. He narrowed his eyes, squinting as he tried to see through the dense smoke. "Well well well" The voice echoed as now everyone's attention was on the Primal.

He looked around, the few Admins and Watchers protecting the portal to the lobby from 303 were in a horrid state, especially Skeepy and Zelkam, who both had some taints of black on them; which meant they were hit as bad as Mega did.

"..." Grian said nothing as he held the dual swords, tilting his head to the side slightly, as tho challenging the Entity.

The Admins and Watchers present eyed their leader, slowly backing up as Grian strode towards the Entity; unsure if they should or could continue fighting.

"GO!" Grian yelled and at that moment, the sound of swords clashing echoed loudly as they all watched the two duel it out full out, aura flaring as the two fought.

Having the boost from their powers, it pared with the Void weapon Rigormortis, Sword of Misery that 303 had. Grian had no idea where 303 got the weapon but has a hunch that he went into the void to get it. As it was a rumour that if one can dive deep into the actual end's void without permadeath, you have a chance of finding a weapon that Notch tried to destroy but could not, so he threw the weapons into the void, assuming no one could get it and that would be the end of that.

The other Admins and Watchers present hesitated the retreat, but a glare that was sent their way made them scramble out of there.

"How far are you planning to go? Protecting a server that isn't even yours" 303 snorted, as he floated in the air and looked around bored, not fazed by the few minutes of intense fighting they just had.

Grain stared at him, taking deep breathes.

"You should pay attention to those who you keep close to you" 303 grinned as he vanished again.

"After all, I'm here to bring balance to the code. And it just so happens that the people you called family are the targets."

The words floated in the air, and it seemed gentle yet taunting. Grian sighed as he looked around, 303 did some damage. The black latter of corrupted code as evidence of his powers staining. With a wave of his hand the missing and glitched out blocks were back, as though nothing happened.


Grian logged into hermitcraft to be met with the news that his flag has already been stolen.

At this point, he was acting that he was having fun, but the stress of 303 still alive somewhere and would not hesitate to kill bothered him to no end. He would now need to ensure that they are safe, all of them.

The Protector [Grian | Hermitcraft] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now