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"Something up X-eye-su-ma?" Grian smiled, deciding to have some fun. 

No One's POV

"Yes, Kinda" X sternly said, which made Grian more amused, much to X annoyance. "If Joe shut the server down for maintenance, why do you have the controls? " X motioned to the magical Onyx Black screen that showed the server things; as Grian leaned on the door frame nonchalantly. While Joe was in the corner, eyeing the two.

"Because I asked?" Grian raised his eyebrows, staring at X. "Why did you ask for the controls then?" X tilted his head in confusion, trying to connect the dots. "To help him" Was his simple answer that made X extremely confused.

"To help him with what tho" X confused, looking through the log as tho there was anything other than 303 that could need assistance. "303" Grian deadpanned, his face showed pure amusement when X looked shocked and confused.

"It's true" Joe piped in, standing up stretching as he chuckled at how X seemed to have broken, he was confused and shocked, 'Grian has to be a Watcher then, no ordinary player could deal with 303 and not face Perma-death' X thought to himself.

"Are you a Watcher then?"X said, still confused. "Yeah, why?" X got Grian's full attention. "There would be no way that you would've survived if you weren't a high tier Admin or Watcher. " Grian just nodded, seeing how long X would take to figure out who he was. He was giving away massive hints but decided to throw X off on purpose. 

"Joe was the one fighting tho, I stayed back to handle the controls" He lied, which got a glare from Joe as X is now asking Joe how he survived as X is usually doing the fighting whilst Joe does the codes from time to time.

"Poor Xisuma, Grian dont break him," Xavion said, amusement clear in his voice despite what he said earlier. 'Hmph, I rather still keep my identity low' Grian retorted. He shrugged off the look Joe was giving him, which he got a glare in return.

"Grian was managing the controls and came to help the moment 303 started attacking " Joe smirked as now X was on Grian, still trying to squeeze information from the two. "The both of you are making this very confusing, you know that?! " Xisuma sighed as he sat on one of the shulker boxes. Grian immediately replied with a 'yep' which made X glare at him.

"Tell me, who fought 303" He growled, starting to get agitated, barely hiding it. "Both of us" The two simultaneously responded. "You could've been more direct" He glared at the two, but smiled shortly after, satisfied with the probably, half-truth he received.

"Thank you for your time" He smiled as the two took off to do who knows where. 'Grian's has his sleeves pulled down, did he get injured or is he just cold' He thought to himself; sighing as he went back to do the projects he was planning out, wondering what they had to hide but knew that he should not dig too deep.

~Back to the Primals~

Grian returned after having the conversation with Aries when he returned to the office with more papers and a book, some of the primals were there. Leo and Aquarius were out doing whatever duties they have to do. When he entered the office, Hyd was finally done with deciphering the mess of the handwriting and was laying head first onto the desk, head facing the door. AppleG was doing paperwork while Defek was seating at his desk looking through the log-book of Mineplex.

Grian plopped the massive stack of papers and book on his table, as he sighs to himself. Which got the attention of the group of Admins, AppleG cocked his eyebrow eying the stack of papers and book Grian had on his desk. Defek out of curiosity took a paper from the top piled and scanned it.

The Protector [Grian | Hermitcraft] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now