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He soon made his way back to his room as he crashed in bed, eyelids too heavy to be kept open as he for once did no suffer from the nightmares.

"Grian,"  Xavion huff through a clenched jaw, he was in his 'ghost' form, eyes narrowing at the builder, he has been standing there while Grian was building the traps for one of the flags. "What!" The builder snapped, glaring at the curse, who continued to glare at him.

"Gri! You need anything?" Iskall yelled from where he was. "Nothing!" He yelled back, eyes still glaring at the curse. "Alright!"

"You are over exhausting yourself again," Xavion growled, wings flexed in annoyance as the builder snorted and continued to build the trap.

The builder was in a bad state, the bags under his eyes and messy hair making him look unrecognizable. It was impressive how he managed to hide this state from the others. 

lt was just silence as Grian placed blocks, finishing up the part of the trap. "I need to do this, I'm their leader" Grian sighed into his hands, sitting on the shulker box he had.

"That doesn't mean putting your wellbeing for the sake of the team. I don't think anyone in the server would like that if they see you in this horrible state" Xavion saunters towards the exhausted leader, crouching in front of him.

"I-I don't know Xavy, it's hard to keep a low profile while having to deal with a war outside, them acting like this is an actual war, and it's messing with me." Grian looked at Xavion who gave him a sad smile. "Let's hope there won't be any more casualties", "Yeah" Grian replied as Xavion stop projecting himself to Grian, becoming a voice in his head once again.


"Sir, I have a plan if you may." A player knelt in front of 303. Head bowed in respect. "Continue" 303 sat on the throne that he made, red eyes judgmental on the fellow follower before him. "Since it seems that Hermitcraft is one of the larger vulnerable servers, I suggest we take down their leader. The panic will make it easier to distract the Primals, his brother is too occupied with protecting the server, and their leader would barely be able to stand against you. You would have no competition."

303 hummed in acknowledgement but still glared at the player in front of him. The player, head still bowed down, not daring to move. "You may leave..." The player slowly rose and began walking towards the exit. "But" The next thing the player knew he had a sword to his neck, he took cautious breaths as the blade of the sword lightly dug into his skin, the cold blade of the sword irritating the skin.

"You are a spy, aren't you?" 303 hissed as he teleported in front of the terrified player. The player pursed his lips, the sound of his heart pounding in his ears as he stares into the terrifying eyes of 303. He stifled a wince when the sword dug deeper, was it worth it? "Tell me" 303 repeated, his sword still magically against the player's neck.

"What are you going to do if I don't" He challenged, "Deciding to be bold now?" 303 chuckled. The player was not fazed, jerking his head away from the blade of the sword that suddenly dug deeper. "Tell me" 303 hissed again, losing his patience. Just then one of his other followers appeared, kneeling in front of 303.

"It was successful, we managed to unlock the powers that Notch locked away from Brine, his true nature would be revealed to the world once again" The monotone voice echoed the silent room, the glee in its voice was the bare emotion the voice had. "Good job, which means that we have no need for you" 303 smiled, the player looked panicked, but he was soon permanently killed off with the power of his sword. 

The Protector [Grian | Hermitcraft] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now