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"I see the serpent-bearer has decided to show his face."

"Yes, I have, little ram."

No One's POV

Without a warning, Aries blasted his magic at the stranger, the stranger unfazed but vapourised away. The sudden blast scared almost everyone in the room, staring at where the person once stood.

"Sorry for the interruption, now let's continue" He did not spare a second glance to where the figure once stood. To them, he looked calm and cold, but in reality, he was shaking, earning a concerned look from the primals.

=Time Skip=

"Alright, do remember to keep a close eye on your servers, and to report to us if any servers have been hit. The trial of the rank would be happening today, midnight would be the Watchers  and the right now for the Admins." Leo's barely masked boredom in his voice.

"Dismissed," Pisces said and the room started to empty out, some admins heading towards the door that leads to the rank trial.

"Xisuma" He turned around to see his brother, heading up to him to give a light pat on the shoulder. The reason his brother is a higher rank is that he was one of the few that successfully jumped rank, while Xisuma has not tried jumping the rank.

"Do you think that I can jump rank to Dua(Second highest)?" He muttered while looking at the door to the trial.

"I'm sure you are able to, tho I must warn you, you may be against one of the primals since you're jumping ranks" He chuckled lightly, squeezing his shoulder in reassurance when he felt him tense up.

"Alright, time to get to the trial" And with that Xisuma headed towards the door with some of the other Admins.

Xelqua/Grian's POV

"This is bad, his presence is in hermitcraft. Grian, you need to return to quick, with the brothers not there, the server is more vulnerable. I suggest getting Leo with you."


"Leo!" Leo looked stunned and stared at me in concern.

"He may be in that server, come on" I whispered loud enough for him to hear. Panic was clear in his face as I opened the portal to the server, managing to hide my aura right before entering the portal.

~In Hermitcraft~

While Ren was out collecting resources,  a sudden pack of hostile wolves came out of nowhere and attacked him till he had 2 hearts left, he booked it out of there when he realised that he was low on health and a low chance of escaping alive. Taking off in his elytra staring at the pack of hostile wolves in confusion but shrugged it off as a bug in the server.

There was a thunderstorm and Doc took this opportunity to try out the channelling trident and flew around the mooshroom island and started to throw it casing some lighting to strike, laughing at the joy he was having. Without warning the lighting struck him continuously making him stumble in his flight. Maybe a bug he thought to himself as he crashed onto the island, relieved that he still had at least 2 hearts left despite the crash.

Biffa went exploring out in the ocean and started getting damage out of nowhere, quickly retreating back to land with one heart. Maybe a pufferfish? The poison effect didn't show he wasn't looking at his health bar so he brushed it off, eating food to heal up.

More weird buggy things happened to the server for a while, causing them to take damage and close to death, as though there was someone messing with them.

The Protector [Grian | Hermitcraft] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now