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"The old man made too many enemies it seems" And the two shared a bittersweet chuckle, knowing that a war may be looming over again, and closer than before. And it is as dangerous as the last time.

No One's POV

"Time for me to leave, I put the server in your hands" Xerenous smiled before logging off to deal with the other 100 servers. Grian sighed as he checks through his communicator, a piece of alarming news from Pisces, who usually looks over the well beings of the multiple servers and is a spy in most cases.



Bad news Gri, one of the corrupted let lose that 303 is planning on attacking. 
Hermitcraft itself today, and because Ophui unintentionally weakened the defences and Void is down. You need to hurry up and do something [7:00 PM]

[7:01 PM]Do what exactly?

Something [7:01 PM]

[7:02 PM] Well that's helpful

I'm glad it is [7:02 PM]

Grian sighed in slight frustration, knowing that Joe is the only Admin that has excess to the controls besides Xisuma. "This is so badly timed...Is someone planning all this out? Universe why are you like this..." He nearly yelled, but it turned into a silent cry. He sighed once again, opening his communicator to text Joe.



[7:02 PM] You're an Admin, right?

Yeah [7:03 PM]
What's with the sudden text G? [7:03 PM]

 [7:03 PM] Shut the server down for maintenance
[7:03 PM] Give me access to the controls
[7:03 PM] We need to do this quick

Why? [7:04 PM]

[7:04 PM] Come to my base, I'll give a quick explanation in person

"Bad news, we are running out of time, 303 is close. I can feel it."

'Just great' He did not bother asking how he knew, all he knew was that they were running out of time.

Knowing that the two watchers on the server will have to help out, he gave them a quick text, asking them to meet him at his base. The two watchers confused but came anyway, and appeared in Grian's base.

Not long after the duo arrived, the sounds of rockets echoed in the massive base, as Joe glided on his elytra. "Hello, Gri-" Joe wanted to continue when he realise X was on the bed, an icepack on his forehead.

He showed the convo between him and Pisces; it did not take long for them to realise that the server was in trouble and the fact that he was the mystery Primal. "Since X is down due to the side effect and his brother off to do his other duties, it is left with us currently."

He paused. "Now you know what I mean by 'Shutting down the server' and 'Give me access to the controls' now right?" It was clear that Grian was getting stressed; he was getting agitated by the second. 

After all, the time is ticking away; it is almost up.

"Yeah..." Joe trailed off. "Joe, use X communicator to send a last-minute text on the server maintenance,  Riffs and Zloy, make sure that the server is still going to hold up later and take care of Void", And without hesitation they quickly did. Grian started to use the power to cover the whole server in a protective like shield, which would prevent anyone from breaking blocks unless he brings the shield down.

The Protector [Grian | Hermitcraft] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now