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But who could it be?

"I should adjust the volume, he nearly made me deaf from his shouting" Pixel grumbled to himself, rushing to his desk to get some potions and shoving them in his inventory. Pixel bid them goodbye and rushed out of the door. The room when silent as they all awkwardly looked around.

"Wonder who was on the other side of the call..." Skeppy spoke up, they nodded.

"The person sounded familiar didn't it X?" Ren said as he typed on his communicator, talking to the STAR Team.

"Oddly enough yeah" X agreed, which got curious gazed from the three.

"Oh yeah Ren, you still haven't told us how you got that injury!" Skeepy says, Ren then began telling them, from when in a second he had a horrible sting at his stomach and then the sound of rockets echoing to shouts of his concerned teammates, to then confront Grian.

"Escaping a Dua (2nd) Admin's hold? You outta be bluffing!" Zelkam exclaims. Skeppy and Mega nodding along. Xisuma shook his head in response.

"I only saw a small blast of purple, the poof he has left the server" Ren gestured with his hands, which got Mega to raise a brow.

"Did you catch what shade of purple it was? Cause it could no way be a tiered Novem (9th) Ranked, could get out of a Dua (2nd) hold! But, if it was a Primal Watcher..." Zelkem trailed off, giving them a confused yet suspicious look.

"We only know 4 Primal Watchers, Pixel, Rezzus (Both Hypixel), Strutt20 (Mineplex), and the dual Primal" Skeepy lists them down.

"Could it be? No way though..." Zelk shook his head, "They all have a designated server to take care of, would be a bit of neglect to spend a lot of time on other servers seeing how busy their servers are. Well, all except the dual Primal" Skeepy butted in.

"Could the dual Primal be Grian?" Ren muttered out, X hummed, "He did manage to get 303 out of the server...And although Joe has access to the Admin controls and is okay magic wise, it's not enough to shoo 303 away; and we know that only one of the Primals can par with 303..."

"Could it be?" Zelk voice rose, they all shrugged, decided to drop the subject for now; and X guided Ren back to Hermitcraft as soon they were planning on the final war to end since both teams had already taken two flags.


"Pixel! You're finally here!" AppleG yelled; they were sitting at the border, awaiting for Pixel so that they could enter the server and end this mess. "Where is my brother?" He yelled back, looking around the server border for his reckless younger brother.

"He's here! Pretty badly injured, but Xel managed to prevent him from hitting critical condition!" Defek shouted they were currently healing after the massive wave of attacks they had to deal with.

Pixel rushed towards his brother and started to use his powers to heal the burns from the breach of the first server border since this server was whitelisted.

"He's lucky I wasn't late. If I was, it would be harder to deal with his wounds because he was too suffering from magic burns." Xel muttered, Pixel thanked the Dual Primal again.

They thought they didn't need Grian's help for the first phase, which they indeed did not but, because of the recent attack on Mineplex and Hypixel, they were slightly weakened; not too much but enough to keep 303 confident that they cannot beat him.

"Ready? This is going to be extremely risky since Herobrine is technically on his side right now; he wouldn't hesitate to kill us on sight, though he is less deadly as he cannot perma-kill us directly. As he doesn't have any of the void weapons, unlike 303" Grian spoke, as he placed his hands on the server border, the one that would grant them access to enter the server.

The Protector [Grian | Hermitcraft] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now