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His eyes had a sudden shine of dark blue, but that was a trick of an eye, right? Most thought to themselves.

"G-Grian?" Mumbo stuttered.

No One's POV

"Yes, Mumbo?" Grain replied in his cheerful voice.

"Did-" Mumbo started.

"You by any chance, invite Leo or know the uninvited person?" Iskall cutting off Mumbo. A soft mutter of "That was not what I was going to say, but close enough, I guess."

"I am not an Admin, plus, how would I have the power to invite someone without X-eye-su-ma's permission?" Butchering the poor Admin's name on purpose.

"I did a good job replicating how you always butcher his name differently? I did, didn't I? Are you proud?"  'Should I be?' "Yes"

Xisuma seemed that the answer was good enough, agreeing that either the existing Admins on the server or an Admin that outranks him can invite others to the server.

"Primal Admin Leo is still on the server..."X seemed to look through the log, with Joe overlooking the details with X.

"Anything that I can help you with Mr Void?" Leo said, reappearing sitting on a tree, leaping down towards the hermits. The ends of the scarf lazily wrapped around his neck fluttered.

Grain had to make sure he did not laugh out loud, and luckily Xavion was able to keep a straight face while some broke out onto hushed chattering. Some threw a cautious glance at Leo, but he paid no mind.

"Pri-" "Just call me Leo" "Erm, Leo? Do you happen to know who the mysterious being maybe?" X asked curiously. Ah, a trouble maker of an angel really" he paused, an awkward silence falling upon the hermits."Angel?" Cub asked, confused.

"Yup, Angel from the aether. Tho the portal has not been open for years he was one of the few that stayed down here, and did not get caught."

"What do you mean 'get caught' ?" This time it was Tango who raised the query.

Leo's face visibly darkened from his earlier cheerfulness. "The both of you have the vex's powers, right?" Indicating to Scar and Cub, who was taken aback but noded uncertainty.

"Your superiors would have told you the horrible war that happened before players have joined, where they killed the multiple angels from the aether realm...Or stripped them from their original powers " He coldly stated. "In favour of the balance, but one managed to open the portal once again, but that was only temporary and barely scratched the surface of the realm, just like how the surface of the nether."

"Were...You one of them?" Joe asked, trying his best to connect the dots, there was a lot of information that they were missing. 

"..." Leo looked away, before sighing to look at the hermits, pain flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, I was one of them. My original powers were stripped away like the other 11. Ophiuchus, the troublesome angel, is the 13th one, but he fled while we fought back, and because of that, he lost one of his wings."

"The deaths of the other angels turned into vexes, but most have fallen too deep and has gone rogue, turning them to the hostile ones... Best to keep this among yourselves, the brothers' arent very fond of this information brought to light."

"Yeah, we can do that" X answered, not know how to respond to this information.

"Anyways, if the server has any problems, feel free to ask for my help," Leo said, but before he took off into the portal. "Oh yea, the protector you inquired last season? He is here already here" He cheekily smiled before disappearing.

The Protector [Grian | Hermitcraft] {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now