New Faces

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[Third person POV]

Roman was a rather attractive tall man. He had brown hair and chocolate eyes. He wore quite bright clothing but mainly red and white to match his favourite Letterman jacket with an embroidered crown on the pocket. Roman lived in a rather large apartment in the centre of the city. He lived with one of his friends and his brother, Patton and Remus. Patton was usually in his room or on a date with his boyfriend Logan, and Remus was out quite frequently causing trouble with his friends. With his roommates mostly busy, this left Roman to enjoy his Disney movies. He enjoyed being alone yet he still wanted some company at times. The Disney couples on screen usually made him too aware of the fact he was alone. One night, Patton was out at Logan's and  Roman was sat watching Tangled when a loud slam from the door made him aware of his brothers arrival. He quite obviously wasn't alone as Roman heard loud talking and giggles. Remus was drunk again. Roman got up and walked into the open main area too see Janus, one of Remus' friends giggling away to himself on their sofa while his brother was hanging onto a slightly smaller figure. He was short with dark brown eyes that could barely be seen through his purple bangs. He wore a dark jacket with purple patches that Roman quite admired as it was interesting and something he hadn't seen before. Though he had a dark persona, he was smiling and laughing beautifully at the stupidity of his friends. 

[Roman's POV]

I was in awe of the male's smile. It made me want to smile just by looking at him. Remus looked over at me and started to giggle. 

'RoMAN!!' He began, 'hOW ARe YoUU?' Remus said stumbling over to me 'WOAH!' he screamed almost falling. I caught him just before he hit the ground. I smiled at the unknown boy and he blushed, looking away.

 'Jesus Re! How wasted are you?' I laughed pulling him up and dragging him next to Janus. 

'VeRyYyYYYYYYYYYYYY' Janus said in uneven tones. 

'Sorry about them, I tried to cool them down on the drinking but they don't listen to me...' the scrawny boy said, rather sheepishly.

 'Oh, its fine, I'm used to Remus coming back wasted, ' I said 'But I'm not used to seeing you around,' I winked.

'I-I....' the boy shakily said, his face turning even more pink than before. He looked pretty cute.....though I shouldn't really think like that seen as he's my brothers friend. 

'OOOOOH VIRGIL'S GOT A CRUSHHHH~' Remus sang tipsily. 

'Shut up Remus!!' the blushing guy said embarrassed.


'JANUS!' Janus got tackled by the emo as Remus laughed loudly. We were definitely going to get some noise complaints.

'Virgil?' I said, looking at the adorable boy who had tackled his drunk friend.

'Hm?' He looked up at me, and smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck.

'If you want I can look after them and you can go home?' I said trying not to make him uncomfortable.

'Um, its fine I can help if you want...' he said nervously, not looking me in the eye. 

'Sure!' I said smiling. He smiled back at me, still not making eye contact.

'gET a ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!~~' Remus screeched as Janus wheezed, gasping from laughing too hard.

[Virgil's POV]

'But I'm not used to seeing you around' the attractive man said, winking at me. I felt my face heat up as I tried to seem as chill as possible. He was clearly enjoying me being embarrassed so I tried to speak.

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