King Of My Heart- No That's Gay.

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Reminder of the dress the majority of you wanted ^^^^

[Roman's POV]

'Not bad, emo.'

'So this one or the third?' Virgil asked.

'I'd say the third one, if you like the sleeves and you're comfortable in it, then go for it!' I smiled, giving him a thumbs up.

'I agree, plus it suits you really well.' Lance complimented.

'You look gay in all of them-' Keith got smacked on the arm by Lance, '-but that one looks really good on you!' He stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend.

'Right, so how much is it?' Virgil asked Lance. The shop held barcodes but the rice wasn't on them for some weird marketing reasons.

'I'm not sure, hand me the tag and I'll scan it for you.' Lance held out his hand for the barcode sticker.

'I'll go with Lance, meet me by the checkout, Virge.'

'K.' He said, walking back into the changing rooms to get back into his outfit.

Lance and I walked up to the counter, him slipping behind a till and scanning the barcode.

'Yikes.' He grimaced.


'Its 750 dollars dude!' Lance said.

'For a dress?' I asked, mouth slightly hanging open.

'Yeah bro!' He shook his head. 'So dumb.'

'Well. 750 is less than, like, 9,000 for a bike so....' I pulled out my card and placed it in the reader.'

'You're getting a bike? What type?'

'Harley.' I smirked.

'Really? Those are dope dude!'

'I know right!' I grinned as I put in the pin number.

'So what's this got to do with Virgil wearing a dress?'

'I have a bet with my brother, if I get Virge to wear this at our halloween party, he'll buy me a bike. Luckily, I have my charms and bribes and son, I'll have a bike.'

'Nice one dude.'

'Here's the dress,' Keith walked up to use and passed it to Lance, who put a long cover on it.

'Virgil'll be out in a minute.' Keith said to me,nodding in my direction.

'Heh....Virge'll.' Lance mumbled.

'So are you two fuckin' or what?' Keith asked me.

'Uh- What!? I- um-' I stuttered out.

'No, we're not, leave him alone mullet boy.' Virgil said, punching Keith's arm.

'Sure...' Keith snickered.

'Here's your dress, from your personal fairy godmother.' Lance said, holding out the dress like he was passing down a sword or something.

'How much?'

'Paid for.' Lance nodded towards me. Virgil shot me a glare.

'You shouldn't buy shit for me.' He grumbled.

'It's the least I can do, besides, you don't want it anyway.' I shrugged.

'Well.......whatever....' He took the dress, throwing it over his shoulder, keeping hold of the hanger on the end.

'Let's go Princey.' Virgil ordered, already leaving. 'Bye mullet, bye tailor.'

'Bye Lance! Bye Keith! Nice to meet you two!' I waved. 'Wait up princess!'

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