Friends and Nothing More

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[Virgil's POV]

I swirled the wine in the glass as Roman sat next to me and spoke about random topics. I was drinking the wine rather quickly to avoid talking.

'Woah, slow down there bud,' Roman said as I finished my fourth glass in under 3 minutes, 'you good?'

'ssssSsHH' I whispered, which came out as more of a quite yell, 'you talk to muuuchhh~'

'Oh do I?' Roman tilted his head down to look at me. Instead of sitting on the couch, we had sat on the ground. I was slouching a lot which slowly lead to me almost lying down.

'Mhmmm~' I hummed while nodding my head quite vigorously.

'What else do you think about me?'

[Romans POV]

'What else do you think about me?' I asked him, wanting to know his opinions. When the small boy was sober, he was so reserved and quite, yet when he drunk he was an open book. A little too open, yet I could take advantage of this opportunity.

'Well!' He started, trying to sit up next to me, though because of his state he ended up with his head on my shoulder and my arm around his waist, 'your very different to what Re told me.' Remus spoke of me? This only made me curious to what he would have said.

'What did he tell you?'

'He said you were boRing because you followed rules and stuff, but he didn't say much else.' I guess it could have been worse. I was only trying to look out for my brother but, I'm not always boring!

'Well what do you think of me?' I pestered him to tell me. Virgil moved his head and rested his chin on my shoulder. Our faces were only centimetres apart, and he looked into my eyes.

'I don't have much of an opinion yet, but anyone can see your pretty goddamn gorgeous from a mile away.' He told me with a bright smile. My face went red so I turned away. Virgil put his hand on my cheek and made me look at him.

'Your even cuter when your flustered.' He said. Well if that's what he was trying to do, two can play at that game.

[Virgil's POV]

'You're even cuter when your flustered.' I knew it wasn't one of my best choices, but I wanted to see how far I could go. Roman had made me blush earlier so why couldn't I do the same? His cheeks were as bright pink. My hand was resting on the side of his face and his arm was around my waist. He pulled me in and whispered in my ear,

'Well I think you're pretty hot, emo boy.' His voice sent actual chills down the back of my spine and my face was an unholy shade of red. The alcohol wasn't helping at all anymore, and I was beginning to feel anxious. I had to end the conversation without him winning it even though I didn't have the help of wine and whiskey anymore. I pretended to give a small yawn and decided instead of being "seductive" I could be adorable!

'Talk to me Roman~' I mumbled closing my eyes and resting my head on him once more. I slipped my fingers between his and shuffled closer into him. His arm wrapped around my waist some more and he brought me closer. Even with my eyes closed, I could almost feel his eyes on me. He began simply talking about nothing particular and without releasing, I slipped away and fell asleep.

[ Roman's POV]

Virgil. Was. Adorable. I wanted to make him squirm a bit as when he blushed he was indescribably perfect, but he'd beaten me at my own game since my cheeks feel like the heat of a thousand suns. I've only known this man for a few hours but I feel...drawn to him in a way. He's obviously attractive. I'm not sure what Remus would think of this but that isn't my priority. I looked at Virgil again which made my heart flutter. I rested my cheek on the side of his head and slowly drifted off to sleep, breathing in time with him.

[Remus' POV]

I woke up and my head HURT. I reached over to the dresser next to my bed and popped an aspirin out. I swallowed it, no water as I'm used to it by this point. So many drunken nights out with Jan...I had a good memory of most of them before the inevitable blacking out. I eventually sat up and left my room only to see one of my best friends sleeping with his head on the chest of my brother. I knew it. As soon as they laid eyes on each other, it was love. I walked into the kitchen and brewed a pot of coffee. I poured 3 mugs and crept into Roman's room to give Ethan his cup. I went back into the living room. God is had enough of the two of them being in love.

'WAKEY WAKEY!! RISE AND SHIIIINE!!' I screamed, Virgil immediately shot up and tried to assess the situation he was in. He smiled when he saw Roman that somehow hadn't woken up and then panicked when he saw me smiling at him. He got up and came over to me.

'My head kills, aspirin?' He sighed, holding his head. I passed him one and he swallowed it with his coffee.

'Soooo, how are you?' I asked even though he was clearly not as used to this feeling.

'Like someones taken a sledgehammer and hit my in the head multiple times,' he groaned on.

'Whats up with you and my brother then?'

'Huh?!' he looked at me with wide eyes and then began to chuckle unconvincingly while rubbing the back of his neck, ' I have no idea what your talking about!' I looked him up and down as he tapped his foot and smiled awkwardly.

'Oh did I see something wrong? Did my own two eyes deceive me?!' I said with a dramatic gasp, throwing my hand over my forehead.

'Shut up Re!' He pushed my shoulder playfully.

'I agree shut up Remus!' Janus said walking up to us.

'Make me Jan!' I said, always trying my best to get him to kiss me. It wasn't my fault he was hot. He came over to me.

'Fine!' he kissed me casually then took a mug of the counter taking a sip. I looked over to Virgil who had a look of pure shock on his face.

'........wait, WHAT?!' He said, I giggled and Jan looked at him smugly. My brother woke up finally and walked over to the counter.

'Did Virgil finally find out about your 'thing'?' He said casually.

'Yep,' I said looking at Janus.

'No.' Janus said rolling his eyes.

'Well that isn't important right now. How did you and Virgil sleep?' I said looking at Roman with a smug grin.

'' Roman stuttered out.

'Oh are you and Virgil a thing?' Jan asked laughing.

'What? No!' Roman said blushing.

'Yeah Roman and I are friends! Nothing more, nothing less.' Virgil's gazed went straight down to his mug, 'also how are all of you so wide awake? My head kills!' Jan laughed again and Roman joined.

'That's unimportant, anyway, we can all hang out today since Logan and Patton will only get back tomorrow!' Roman said with a grin.

'I don't know~' Virgil began.

'Come on V! It'll be fuuun!' I said.

'Fine~' He finally gave in.

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