pride is a strong emotion

161 18 43

................flirting with anxiety.

[Roman's POV]

I panted, my breath practically all gone. Sweat trickled down my neck and onto my back, I held my position until the curtains closed. My arms finally flopped down, my hand finding Virgil's he looked up at my with a wide grin I was lucky enough to see so much of. He was semi-doubled over, his breath even shorter than mine. One hand was on his knee, another clutched in mine. His dark hair was stuck to his forehead,his eyes wide and gimmering- the exact same after all shows. We'd changed so much, together.

When I first met him, he was a shy enough person. He had to drink to talk to me properly for the first time. He only wore black, he stood hunched, he scratched his hand a lot, he used sarcasm as defense and he was always one to hold back words unless absolutely necessary.

Now, he was much more open, much more confident about himself and the world. He was so much happier and less anxious. He was mostly perfectly fine around fans and he believed in what he wanted to say. I'm so proud of him and just when I think I couldn't possibly fall for him anymore, I see him smile and I'm head over heels all over again.

'Time for the bow Ro.' He breathed out, finally standing straight,' I nodded. Joining fellow cast members. The crowd cheered and clapped as we all took a bow. I was proud of the musical too. It was finally the last show, ending in our home city. Tears formed in my eyes as I took a separate bow and pointed to my husband who took the bow for the music. The curtains closed for the final time and a flurry of tears came streaming down my face. The entire cast and crew, who I'd become incredibly close with, all came together in a group hug, just like we did every show except this was different. Almost everyone was crying, those who weren't were simply trying to stay strong and hide their tears.

'Thank you.' I whispered indirectly. It was to every single person who had helped us and made this show better with their presence and help.

'We love you Roman.' One of the cast members called out.

'I love all of you guys!' At this point everyone broke out into sobs. The group hug slowly split into people hugging the members they'd become closest to and spent the most time with, the actors they'd been paired up with, the crew the people had chatted with in the wings, or just people they've bonded with. I shared tears with nearly everyone, all of them drifting off to the dressing rooms afterwards.

Eventually, it was just Virgil and I.

'Your makeup's running.' I pointed up at his face. He chuckled lightly and reached up below his eyes, a dab of purple eyeshadow coming off.

'I can't believe you made my character have purple eyeshadow of all things. It takes me back to my emo phase.' He laughed.

'Oh, but my darling, it's not a phase, it's a lifestyle.' I slowly wandered over to him, throwing my arms over his shoulder and placing my forehead onto his, just like I did before our first show.

'I'm so glad I did this with you.' Virgil whispered.

~ It's flashback time! A year ago. ~

'Ro.........Ro!' Virgil hissed from behind me. He was in full makeup and costume and the show was about to begin.

'Princess? What's wrong? Are you okay?' I quickly stepped over to him.

'Just nerves...that's all, don't worry, I'll be okay.' He began back pacing and turning away. I pulled his wrist for him to come back to me.

'Hey, hey, hey, hey, talk to me...' I whispered to him, placing my arms around his shoulders.

Strictly Platonic - Prinxiety AuWhere stories live. Discover now