i promise its not what it sounds like-

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~ Timeskip, two weeks ~

[Virgil's POV]

Roman came home and everything had been fine, better than fine in fact. Whenever it was just the two of us, we'd go on small dates or get dinner. Remus held off on the "romantic" bets as he gained some more money but that didn't stop him from giving us small bets like pranks and such. Roman had picked me up from work whenever he could, in a car however. Logan had unfortunately caught on a lot faster than I'd hoped for but agreed to keep it a secret.

Today I decided that I would take Roman out.

I had it all planned out.

'So what're you gonna do again?' Tyler leaned over the counter. He'd just finished stocking shelves and it was his turn on the counter. Tyler was an odd soul. He loved band tees and dying his hair every mental breakdown. He had just gone from green to black again.

'Keith's bringing me some- in fact, speak of the devil,'

'What's good emos?' He yelled, strutting to us, holding a plastic bag with what I hoped was my ammo and weapons.

'Wow, two mullet men in one venue. A shocker.' I laughed at their scowls.

'I do not have a mullet.' Tyler growled, chucking something at me.

'Totally do, but whatever. Got the goods Keefy?' He nodded, passing me the bag.

'Thank you!' I grinned, checking my watch. 'And I am officially......of the clock!' I grinned, throwing my hands up.

'See ya' Jack.' Tyler waved.

'Later Sally! Bye Zero!' I waved at them.

'I'M NOT A GHOST DOG!' Keith yelled, but I was already out of the store. I chuckled at his response.

I happily walked out of the mall I worked in. I walked down to the parking lot and saw the familiar car in the same spot as always. I saw Roman sat in the front seat, singing to some dumb song. I walked over, opened the door and jumped in.

'Hia babe.' I grinned as he turned down the radio.

'Hey,' He responded, kissing me on the cheek.

'Ready to go?'I asked, buckling myself in.

'Yep!' The drive back to his apartment was filled with a mix of emo music and musicals. I wasn't complaining.

We walked inside his house, greeting a lonely Logan on the way.

'PATTON? IS THAT YOU? YOU'RE HOME?' He yelled, running to the front door. 'Dammit. Hey son.'

'Sorry to disappoint you.' I chuckled as he adjusted his glasses.

'Pattons been gone for-' he looked at his watch. 'Thirty minutes.' He pouted.

'Didn't peg you for the clingy type, Lo.' Roman said.

'I'm not usually. But I'm usually around him the majority of the day if I can be.' He flopped onto the couch.

'Why aren't you with him now?'

'He's been banned from grocery shopping with Patton.' Roman laughed as Logan huffed.

'Why?' I was curious.

'I may or may not have been yelling about prices and the inaccuracy in the sugar levels.'

'Don't forget the donuts,'

'I also threw a box of donuts at someone.'

'I'm sorry I asked.' I laughed.

'Got your stuff?' asked Roman. I nodded. While we were talking I packed some towels and a spare change of clothes. This was gonna be a bit messy. 'Let's go then!'

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