oh my god, shut uuuuup

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[Virgil's POV]

I paced around in the room.

He's gonna regret it.

You're gonna mess up the marriage.

He's going to end up hating you.

You're going to drive him away.

He's going to hate you.

'Virgil! Stop!' Janus came up to me and shook my shoulders.

'Wow! I wish I thought of that!' I rolled my eyes.

'What's wrong?'

'Let me guess.....my mental health.' I grinned.

'Stop being so negative!' Remus stood up and almost spilt the entirety of his champagne glass onto the floor.

'Stop being drunk at your brother's wedding!' I said, turning from Janus and shaking Remus' shoulders.

'Heyyyyyyyy! I'm not......yeah I get it,' Remus drooped his head and shuffled across the room trying to sit on the couch but ending up on the floor.

'So! You guys are no help! Get me Patton! Get me Patton! PATTON!' I called before Janus slapped a hand over my mouth.

'We get Patton, he'll tell Logan and Logan will tell Roman and the wedding will be called off!' Janus said with a small glare. He slowly let go of my mouth and I pouted.

'I'm serious Jan, I don't know if I can go out there.'

'I believe in, hang on one second- REMUS STOP FUCKING DOING THAT!' Janus yelled at his husband.

'Dude! I'm tryna' sober up for Ro! Don't be so dramatic!' Remus placed down the book he had been repeatedly slamming on his head and walked over.

'I swear-' Janus threatened.

'Don't worry babe, I got this.'

'You really don't.' Janus sighed, putting his head in his hands.

'Trust me! Have faith!' Remus then turned to me with a look.

'Don't say it.' I warned.

'Hey Virgil~' He began.

'Please no, we know what my answer will be if you do.' I grabbed his shoulders, 'I'm begging you don't-'

'I bet-'

'What do I win?' I immediately responded not even letting him finish, then groaning and throwing my head back.

'I'll spare your third kid from swear words class.' Remus grinned.

'I didn't tell you how many kids I want, how did you-' Remus just grinned and shushed me, pressing a finger to my lips.

'That's not the point! The point is he or she or they-'

'That's totally valid bro,'

'Thanks I try!' Remus winked before continuing, '-are spared. So?'

'Deal, let's get me a husband.' I turned and strutted out the room, leaving my soon-to-be-brother-in-law and his husband in shock.


I fiddled with my fingers as I stood by the altar. Roman begged me to let him walk down the aisle and who was I to deny him his moment?

I looked over the crowd one more time, taking everyone in; family members and distant relatives, friends of the two of us, the nicer co-workers, plus ones, workers, photographers. A lot of people. Too many people... Why are they all here? Why am I having a big wedding? Why am I getting married?

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