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Oh my god....it's really over isn't it? I'm gonna miss this. Thank you for being here, I'm so so so happy i wrote this because your comments make it all worth it. even people who dont comment, those who liked it or just read it, all of you are so appreciated. Thanks for the journey and I hope this book gave you a small smile.

Now! Onto the last chapter! 

And for the last time in Strictly Platonic, enjoy!


[Virgil's POV]

~What would the last chapter be without an unnecessarily long time skip of a few years?~

'Dad, paps....I have something to tell you...' Lucas shuffled with the sleeves of his yellow jacket.

Tiffany and Sam were out with Patton and Logan and their kiddo's for some 'uncle time' and Lucas decided to stay back. Roman was chopping vegetables for dinner and I was reading a new script, my glasses lightly perched on my nose.

'We're all ears son.' I smiled, placing the sheets down and taking off my glasses.

Lucas winced slightly, 'Yeah.....that's the thing, I-uh...wow this is tough.......' He took a deep breath in and exhaled, a firm nod following.

'I'm nonbinary.'

Silence for a moment.

Roman dropped the knife he was cooking with and I abruptly stood up. We both sped to our kid, we wrapped them into a bear-hug, nothing sead except a silent 'that's okay! you're perfect! we accept you for who you are!'

After another few moments passed we sat them down at the table, the two of us sitting across from them.

Roman started first, 'Pronouns? They/them only or neopronouns? Do you want it put on your school info?'

But I wasn't far behind, 'Would you like to go shopping? Do you want Pat and Logan to know? Or Janus and Remus? Or just us? Do the girls know?'

And our trains of thoughts must've collided because we simultaneously came out with 'Do you have a prefered name?'

'Dad! Papa! Chill out!' They smiled, tears welling up in their eyes.

'Aw, kiddo! Don't cry! It can be overwhelming, we know that the most. We just want you to be comfortable.' I grabbed their hand, Roman taking their other.

'Thanks,' They sniffed lightly, tears subsiding. 'Echo....that's my prefered name. And they/them are perfect for me. The school doesn't matter that much but I'd like the name change if it isn't too much trouble. Nobody else knows except for the people on my tumblr and my anime discord. I want all of my uncles to know and Tiff and Sam but I don't know how to do it...and shopping sounds nice.' Echo smiled.

'The school isn't any trouble, and we'll be right beside you when you feel comfortable coming out to them. And I know a shop that sells flags if you want one!' They nodded energetically at Roman's proposal.

I grinned at my kid, glad he was happy enough with himself to tell us.


Sam sobbed into my shoulder. I gave her another tissue and hugged her again.

'How could she? I'm not just some experiment!' Her sadness suddenly turned into rage as she bawled her fists up, her brows furrowed. She was going through a break-up, if you could call it that. She was out as bi at her school and her "girlfriend" was only dating her because she simply wanted to know what it was like.

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