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^^^ The main "villain" from that video passed away not too long ago and he was my entire sad childhood. )): Pretty good song tho ofc.

[Third Person POV]

Time had passed since they kissed, neither confronting the other but neither regretting it nor sharing it with anyone else. Virgil and Roman got jobs with Janus and Patton respectively. Virgil currently shelved things at a local Hot-Topic, Janus working counter since most of their shifts were together. Roman, desperately wanting to pursue acting still, got a small job at the theatre near-by to his apartment. Logan already worked there so when Roman heard he wasn't one to hesitate to ask for some help getting a job.

Between jobs the group hung out together, more and more and everyone felt like a big family. Remus kept his end of the deal, finishing the week by buying Virgil his food, always sharing with Roman. Virgil got his Hot-Topic spending spree, which Remus was glad he got the 'friends and family' discount for. Virgil used his win from Romans own bet to turn Roman into an emo. He wasn't pleased to say the least. Remus never slowed down with bets, winning quite a few between the group resulting with Patton swearing, Logan as a pirate for a week and Virgil with pink streaks in his hair plus plenty more punishments.


It was soon now.

The month of September had been filled with Janus' home being turned into Virgil's "Halloween Lair" and Spooky, Scary Skeletons being played religiously. The Nightmare Before Christmas seemed to be the only thing on TV despite "Christmas" being in the title.

Virgil was happy. Even if he'd just kissed his now best friend and they hadn't spoken about it. He just guessed it was....meaningless?

But that was unimportant compared to what the group was now debating over in the "lair"

Patton was snuggled in a black blanket with little orange spots scattered around on it, holding a cup of pumpkin hot-chocolate. Virgil was next to him with a pumpkin latte, resting his head on the fatherly friends shoulder. Janus and Remus were a tangle of limbs pillows and a dark purple blanket on the other sofa. Logan and Roman were sat on the floor -even thoughLogan disliked how bad it was for their posture- paper scattered on the coffee table as they argued- sorry- debated over what group costume they would do.

'That won't work!'

'Of course it will! There's a costume for each of us!'

'But they don't fit our characteristics!'

'Ugh! You're impossible!'

'What about this?'

'No there's only five!'

'But we could include this!'

'No that won't work.'

'It would if we tried hard enough!'

'You two are being stupid.' Virgil mumbled, tired of the two boys in front of him.

'Virgil! Don't speak to your mother like that!' Patton scolded, finishing a game of candy-crush.

'Sorry, mom.' He grumbled, eyes halfway closed.

'Be those Robbie Rotten characters who sung that song.' Remus commented.

'Oh yeah! Lazytown! What was that song again?'

'It went like- dun dun dun dundundundun dunnn Hey! We are number one!' Remus sang.

'Oh yeah! Then it went like dundun dun dun dundundun!' Janus joined in.

'Oh my god shut uuuuuuuup.' Virgil groaned.

Strictly Platonic - Prinxiety AuWhere stories live. Discover now