Where's my brother?

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[Roman's POV]

I couldn't see anything. I left without my helmet too. It was a road, a long one, empty as far as I could see. Maybe I should've been more careful though. Maybe I should've heard him out. Maybe he was thinking of how to word it. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

Maybe I shouldn't have driven in the rain. Maybe it wouldn't have ended up like this.

Maybe I can fix this.

Maybe I should've payed more attention to the road. Or more importantly, the cars.

[Remus' POV]

I heard the door open. Walking out of my room where Janus was sleeping peacefully, I noticed that Virgil not Roman were in the room anymore. I walked downstairs and out the front door of the building.

'VIRGE? RO?' I called through the pouring rain. I walked out, shielding my eyes from the rain with my hand. I saw a small blob of black and purple on the floor. 'VIRGE!' I ran towards him, worried about his anxiety. It isn't the first time I found him hyperventilating on the floor. I walked up to him whispering.

'Virgil, it's me.' I whispered.

'I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. Please Ro.' He repeated over and over.

'Where is he?' I asked.

'I'm sorry, forgive me, I'm sorry.' More tears spilled out his eyes, joining the drops of rain.

'Where is Roman?' I asked once more.

'He-he dr-drove off.' He stumbled over words as he tried to breath. I looked up to find Roman's bike was gone.

'Let's get you inside. You'll catch a cold.' I wrapped my arms around him and helped him up. He was still stuttering out apologies. We got back up to my house and we walked inside. I made him a hot chocolate as Logan comforted him after he changed into dry clothes. Logan was super warm towards Virgil telling him about some conspiracy theory, Virgil seemed fully involved even though the guilt and regret was clear and present on his face. Logan wasn't like this with anyone else, but his relationship with Virgil had definitely grown. He always looked out for Virgil and kept him safe and happy, making sure he didn't get down. Too bad he couldn't have used his "motherly instincts" to predict what would happened this time. Speaking off...

'So Virgil, what exactly did happen?' I asked, handing him the drink.

'W-we were drinking....a-and we didn't t-talk properly. I mes-messed up.' Virgil stuttered out, still obviously cold and nervous.

'Did he say where he was going?' Virgil just shook his head.

'I'm so sorry, I should've just told hi-him. This wouldn't have happened.' He looked down at the drink in his hands.

'It's not your fault Virge.' Logan told him.

'Maybe it is.' I said.

'Remus-' Logan began.

'No Lo! Think about it! If he'd just confessed! My brother, the first person in the world to accept me, the one person who knows me better than anyone, the guy who supported my choices since- since forever, is now on some fucking death machine, in the pouring rain, because Virgil was a coward!' I screamed, grabbing at my hair, unable to stop pacing. My breathing became uneven. I fell to the floor, my grip not loosening as I tried to put my hands over my ears to block out a ringing noise that was now running through my ears. Black spots filled my already blurry vision. I could hear Logan calling my name but I couldn't respond. It hadn't been this bad in years. 

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