Vol...tron ?

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Your comments make my day istg. You guys are awesome so heres the next chapter <3

[Virgil's POV]

This mother freaking fucking fucker.

How could he? How dare he?! The audacity. Simply completely rude.

'So if I wear heels it's red?'


'What if I wear gloves? Like those long white ones from the cartoon?'

'You can punch Remus in the nose or knee him in the dick.'

'That store sells gloves come ON!' I said, pulling Roman to a shop I knew sold white gloves.

We shopped for a couple hours, finding Roman some shoes and pants for his Prince Charming attire. We also went into Hot-Topic; despite me working there, I'm not supposed to be buying shit on my shifts, also I said hi to a couple co-workers. Then Spencers Gifts for Roman as I sent Remus pictures of all the stuff in the back rows. We went to some other stores where I got Christmas presents -yes, this early- for my friends and family.

'How the fuck do you already own a prince shirt thing and sash?'

'I'm a drama kid, Virge. I have two' He stated matter-of-factly.

'Oh my god. If I didn't know better I'd've thought you were a gay disney prince in disguise.' I mockingly bowed.

'Yes, bow to me peasant.'

'Fuck you.'

We walked to a little cafe, all cute and aesthetic.

'Pumpkin Latte and a gingerbread man, I'll be in that corner.' I pointed to some chairs and left Roman to pay.

'what-' But it was too late. He was to feed my pumpkin latte obsessed ass.

I messaged Remus, replying to all his innuendos he made after the pictures as I waited. Soon enough, Princey came back and placed our drinks on the table. I decided to Instagram it.


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❤️ 59  💬 6

[Anxious_Bean] Princey bought us pumpkin lattes.


[Royal-Romano] Hell yeah I did, not dRINK!

[Just_a_snek_boi] disgusting.

[Logan-Sanders] That photo is aesthetically pleasing, impressing photography skills, Virgil.


[kinda-alien] You sure you aren't a couple?

              [Anxious_Bean] @kinda-alien I'm pretty sure.

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