Virgil's place

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[Roman's POV]

I was getting ready to go out with the rest of the guys but then my mind started wondering. What happened with Virgil and I? Why did we say the things we did? Maybe all of its a misunderstanding but what if its not? I shouldn't think like this. Virgil and I are friends. We were just joking around....right? I should go to the others...

'ROMAN!' Remus screeched as I entered the room. I jumped back slightly as he and Janus laughed. Virgil also chuckled which was very adorable. Even if we were only friends, I could appreciate the fact that he was cute. And hot at the same time. Dear god what has this guy done to me? I walked over to all of them.

'Ready to go?' I asked. We were going to drop by Virgil and Jan's place so they could change.

'Sure!' Virgil said with a smile. He was unusually happy....'You okay?' He said putting a hand on my shoulder.I must have zoned out a bit. I shivered slightly at the touch, but then I smiled back and nodded. We all left and went down to my car. Virgil didn't have a car but drove Janus' to get all of them here.

'RE AND I WILL TAKE MY CAR M'KAY BYE!! MEET YOU GUYS THERE!!' Janus yelled pulling Remus by the hand to his car. Virgil looked at me brightly.

'Guess I'm going with you then!' Was this what he was usually like? I got into the drivers seat ready to follow Jan to their apartment.

[Virgil's POV]

We all waited for Roman in the living room but Remus and Janus were being all lovey-dovey and I hated it. I made sick noises and pretended to throw up. Re laughed at me and Janus rolled his eyes.

'Stop being jelllyyyy!' Remus said poking my shoulder.

'What?! I'm not...' I tried to sound as convincing as possible but it came out a little bit different than I wanted it to....

'Okay, if you aren't jealous of the fact Jan and I are happy with each other, and that we can make each other laugh and smile, and that we do stuf-' I interrupted him.

'OKAY!!! Mayyyyyyyyybe I am.... But so what if I am? Who would even date me?' I sighed, falling back into my chair, folding my arms. Remus and Jan looked at each other then smiled. 'What?'

'I think we know someone!' Jan said, nodding towards Roman's door. Was it that obvious?

'No no no no no no no..... we're friends!' I shook my head. Remus was laughing again.

'Friends aren't terrified around each other,' Jan continued.

'I'm not terrified around him!'

'Okay, all day you have to be extra happy around him!' Remus laughed.

'What do you mean by that?' I asked cautiously.

'Just be really happy and smiley and adorable!!' Remus threw his hands up in the air with a massive grin spread across his face.

'Why should I? What do I get in return?' I mean...I was obviously gonna do it anyway, but I still felt like I deserved something for having to battle my anxiety all day.

'I'll buy you lunch all week.' Remus put his hand out for me to shake. I felt a bit cautious

'And I get to pick what it is?' I asked. He nodded so I shook his hand.

'You so like him. You definitely have a crush on him,' Jan said as if it was written on my forehead.

'I do not have a crush on-'

'ROMAN!!' Remus screeched interrupting me. Roman jumped back which was quite funny.

'Ready to go?' He asked with a warm smile. Time to put the bet into action. I smiled widely and said as cheerfully as possible,

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