Swept Me Off My Feet

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[Roman's POV]

Virgil and I spent the rest of the evening with each other and ended up in the same predicament as the first time we met.

'Ah,' I pressed a hand to my aching head, 'nostalgia.' I groaned.

'Such happy memories.' He laughed, handing me a tablet and glass of water.

'Thanks.' I smiled, downing them both.

'When are you getting your bike?'

'As soon as humanly possible. I think I want to look at them today.'

'Bring me with you!' He grinned.

'Hoping to see some hot biker guys?' I asked.

'The bikes are hot, not the riders Roman.'

'None of them?' I quirked an eyebrow.

'You can be an exception,' he winked. 'I'm getting dressed.' He walked off to my room as Remus came out of the kitchen.

'We're looking at bikes today.'

'Noooooo!' He wined.

'Yeeeeeeeeeeees!' I mimicked.

'But I don't wanna!'

'Well I do! Go get dressed!'


Somehow I ended up in Patton's car, next to Remus, Logan and Virgil in the front. We were blasting Thnks Fr Th Mmrs By Fall Out Boy, all four of us screaming the lyrics at the top of our lungs.

'Was it worth it?' I whispered to Remus over some Panic! At The Disco song Logan and Virgil were singing.


'Seeing Virgil as Cinderella? You're going to lose a lot of money today.'

'Yeah. It was pretty awesome.' He grinned at the memory. I just nodded and listened to their singing.





We approached the dealership. I saw a lot of "walk away with this today!" signs so I was pretty hopeful that I'd have a bike by the end of today. I didn't know much about prices but I wasn't paying so frankly I didn't really care.

Logan and Remus went to the building to talk to some workers. I grabbed Virgil and dragged him to the bikes.

'Tell me which of these bikes look hot. I need to look fabulous at all times for everyone.'

'That one....that one....oh! Definitely that one!' He pointed at different bikes.

'They're all so cool!' I ran around like a kid in a candy store.

'Harleys are probably the most attractive.'

'Careful Virge. You sound like you're attracted to motorcycles.' I joked. He punched me in the shoulder.

'Way to make me sound like Kokichi Roman.'


'Kokichi! From Danganronpa!'

'I don't know who that is.'

'He went, "Some people say all black clothing kinda makes you look like an evil villain. Not me though! I think you look like a sexy motorcycle, vroom vroom!"' He put on an odd voice when he spoke, I couldn't help but laugh.

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