Happy Halloween, Loser.

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[Virgil's POV]



Best day of the 365, 366 if you count leap years.

This one was slightly more special than the others. I was spending it with all my new friends, my chosen family.

'Who's ready to fuckin' party!' Janus screamed as he walked through the door of Roman's place.

'HELL YEAH!' Remus walked straight into the arms of his snakey boyfriend who gave him a hug. I made barfing sounds and pretended to throw up.

'Hey Virge!' Roman waltzed into the room and I immediately stopped giving him a smile.

'Hey Ro! Last day of October!' I gave him finger guns and he seemed to get the message.

'Pumpkin latte coming up!' He threw a finger up into the air, and walked into the kitchen.

'Oh yeah, we're the gross ones.' Janus rolled his eyes with a smirk as Remus made his own barfing sounds.

'Well I don't see your man making you a drink as soon as you walk through the door.' I smirked, flipping the non-existent hair over my shoulder and strutting into the kitchen to find Roman.

'So who's going to be at this all-amazing party.' I asked, sipping on the drink he made me.

'So us six, Lance and Keith, I'm pretty sure Remus invited those cult people but I'm not sure, the three you invited that know Keith and Lance.....uhh...Joan, Thomas, Terrance, Valerie, Jamahl, Talyn.......oh! Some people from the theatre are coming, their names are Aaron, Alex, Thomas, Eliza and John. Generic names, I know but there's this whole thing going on between them.'

'Tea? Do spill!' I sipped my drink again for dramatic effect.

'Okay, so Alex was dating Eliza but then he cheated on her with her sister Angelica and this other girl, Maria, who was like totally using him, plus she had a boyfriend! So Eliza was all like "I'm done!" But they got back together like a few days later. But John, right? He is head over heels for Alex! He always has been. So Alex came out as bi like the same day as John came out as gay. And he and Alex keep gettin drunk together and Eliza was all like "Him or me" and HE was all like "him"!'

'No way!'

'Yes way!'

'Then what?'

Well, Eliza was fuming. Aaron was just sitting back watching this all and, get this, Thomas was the one to tell Eliza that Alex was cheating! Thomas is such a drama queen but he's an awesome rapper. Alex is one of the only people who can keep up.'


'Hell yeah. So Eliza stayed with Alex, who may I add, has changed and hasn't cheated since, which nobody thinks is a good idea and they think she should leave him. But Alex and John are totally gonna get together, it's just a matter of time.'

'Wow. No wonder they're in theatre.'

'I know right. Tell me about Keith's friends.'

'Right, Pidge, Hunk and Shiro. Pidge is low-key, a high-key genius. They're the smartest person, like, ever. Like Joan and Talyn, they/them pronouns. They're doing some stuff at Nasa but they aren't supposed to talk about it, but they promised to totally spill if they find aliens.'

'They sound pretty cool.'

'They are. Then there's Hunk. He looks kinda scary but he's more scared of you than you are of him. He's the living embodiment of a teddy bear and he can cook like the food was blessed by the gods. Don't say a word about his weight or I swear to god I will slaughter you.'

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