Beep Beep Rip Roman

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[Roman's POV]

What I did was stupid. It was selfish and dangerous and I know that. I should've waitied for Virgil to answer, better yet not have asked at all.

But I did do it. And a car swerved right in front of me, causing me to loose control of the bike. I can't remember much after that but I know I hit my head, hard too. I probably would've only needed some stitches if I wore my helmet, but I didn't. I messed up and now I'm lying in a hospital bed, my mind fuzzy. I was connected to an IV drip from the loss of blood. The nurses are asking me questions but I can't open my mouth. I can't see properly. I can't think.

'ROMAN! ROMAN!' I snap my head up and a blur of blue and a light brown is all I see.

'Pat?' I mumbled, not fully processing how I'm making up words.

'Roman! It's me! It's me, I'm here now, don't worry.' He comes to my side as the nurses disappear and I get a clearer veiw of his face.

'Hey Patton.' I whisper.

'What were you thinking, Ro?' He whispered. I could see tears rolling down his cheeks.

'I wasn't, I'm sorry Pat.'

'You really scared us ya'know? I don't know what I would've done without my brother-in-law.' It was Janus. He was sat on a chair next to my bed, a yellow jacket wrapped around him over his black pyjamas.

'You're brother and Virgil are worried too, they'll be here soon.' Logan, behind Patton, placing a hand on his shoulder.

'Virgil...'I mumbled, looking at my hands. I thought back to the whole reason this started. Why I decided to do something stupid. Why I felt the need to feel free to feel anything for something other than him. 'I don't wanna see him.' I whisper.

The three are quiet for a moment.

'You don't have to see him then Ro, that's fine.' Patton said, squeezing my hand he'd got a hold of.

'I need to see him though.' I looked up to the three of them, 'When he gets here let Remus yell at me for a bit but then let me talk to him alone?' I asked. They looked at each other, questioning wether or not they should let me before a collective murmer of agreement.

It didn't take much longer for them to show up. Remus and Virgil rushed in and when Remus saw me he looked as if he would cry.

I caused that.

I'm an awful brother.

I'm an idiot.

Why didn't I die in the crash? That would've been better.

' idiot.' He walked over to me and hit my arm gently. 'I'm so mad at you but I'm glad you're okay.' He smiled lightly. Janus stood up and whispered something to Remus. He nodded and the four walked away, Remus patting Virgil's shoulder on the way out.

'Hey Virge.' I mumbled.

'I'm so, so, so, so mad at you. You're stupid, idiotic, you should've listened to me. I hate you so much right now.' He said, slapping my shoulder over and over. 'I'm so glad you're not dead or I would've killed you!' He stopped hitting me and immediately pulled me into a hug, not letting go for a while.

'I'm sorry. I really am.' I told him. He smiled at me.

'I know Ro.' He looked guilty immediately after. 'Oh....and..uh.' He stuttered out, playing with his fingers a bit.

'What's up?'

'I'm sorry too.' He wouldn't look me in the eye.


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