Dumbasses VS Gay Messes - Round 1

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[Virgil's POV]

Roman came back and we sat and talked to each other for a while. We spoke about how Logan and Patton met and their trip to Logan's parents and how despite how Logan acts, his parents are super nice and a lot like Patton with endless stacks of cookies. We spoke about my interest in gaming and art and how I wanted a job with videogame animation. I learnt about Roman's productions and his callback for a production he wanted a part in. I learnt about Remus and Roman's pastand how they acted as kids. Jan shared about law school and how it wasn't as fun as 'Legally Blonde' or 'How To Get Away With Murder' but he was doing well.

Eventually we wanted some food so Patton and Remus left to order for everyone.

'So Virge, who do you think are the cuter couple, Lo and Pat or Ree and Jan?' Roman said, putting his elbows on the edge of the table then resting his head on his hands.

'Well, Logan and Patton are the' two old married couple' type of pair, while Janus and Remus are the 'you can fuck anywhere if you try hard enough or if you're hard enough 'type of couple.' I said gesturing to both pairs as I spoke. Logan nodded as I pointed to him and Remus has never looked prouder as I pointed to himm. 'I have know Janus and Remus for longer but Logan and Patton are my parents.' I put my finger to my lips as I thought which pairing to pick.

'Tough choice isn't it.' Roman said.

'Patton and I are clearly the logical choice.' Logan told us, pushing up his glasses.

'Nu-uh! Me and Jan are supirior! Plus we're sexier!' Remus folded his arms.

'Patton and I are the more adorable choice, as the perfect mix of smart and domestic.'

'Jan and I complete each other cause both of us are just as demented as the other! We're matching! I am a garbage man and he is a formal snek boi'

'I don't know what that means! But anyway, Patton and I are simliar in better ways than demented for example, we both like the colour blue! We agreed we like dogs and we're planning to get one. We love cookies.' He listed them off on their fingers.

'Everyone likes cookies!' Roman and I were laughing quite a bit by this point. Logan turned to the two of us and folded his arms again.

'Well, if we're assesing couples, we need to do the same to you two.' He said. Roman and I immediatly stopped laughing.

'What?' We asked simultaneously.

'Ah yes! My brother and my best friend!' Remus said, linking his hands.

'What we talking about?' Janus and Patton sat down, quickly mentioning the food would be there in a couple minutes.

'It began about who was a cuter couple, but now we're discussing how cute Roman and Virge are!' Remus said.

'We aren't a couple!' I tried to add in.

'I think that Virge weighs out how annoying Roman is.' Janus said.


'Oh! Oh! Roman makes Virge more confident! It's super obvious,' Patton said, clapping.


'Just by being in the same room, Roman gets super cocky.' Remus told us, rolling his eyes.

'Yes, good observation. Their body language calms when in close proximety.' Logan added.

'This is getting silly-' Roman tried.

'They're super cute holding hands though,' Jan said.

'When?!' Patton squeeled.

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