Just Gay Panic.

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I haven't edited this please correct any errors if you wish to! Enjoy!

[Virgil's POV]

Remus invited us over again today. I don't know why but it's nice. I'm not used to having so many people to hang around with. It's hard being so out of my comfort zone but I'm enjoying it!

We drove to their apartment, not really knowing what to expect.

'Baby!' Remus called walking out of the building they lived in. Janus walked over and wrapped his arms around Remus, bringing him in for a kiss.

'Gross, get a room!' I called, sticking my tongue out.

'You can't say much. "oH rOMaN!" ' Remus started talking in a funny way.

'Shut up, we're friends.'

'Don't forget, you have to get his number today!' Shit.

'I'm not worried.' I shrugged, hoping my fear wasn't obvious. I ran inside and up to their apartment.

'DAD!' I yelled, throwing open the door.

'KIDDO?' I heard from inside. I ran inside and saw Patton, I ran towards him and gave him a hug almost knocking both of us onto the floor. Patton burst into a fit of giggles, 'Remus didn't tell us you were coming!'

'Evil trash man,' I whispered. Patton giggled again.

'Now kiddo, he isn't that evil.' I pulled away from our hug.

'Okay, I believe you. We hanging out today?' I asked.

'I have nothing to do, but there was something we can all do together!'

'What's that?' Remus said, walking in, holding Janus' hand.

'I wanna go the "The Headless Pig" !' What the hell is that?

'Not awful...' Jan looked at Remus who smiled and shrugged.

'You two get your boyfriends up!' Remus pointed at me and Patton. He walked into his own room with Jan.

'He's not my boyfriend!' I called out even though he door was shut. I heard Patton giggle behind me.

'Just go get him!' he said, walking off to get Logan. I walked over to Roman's door; it was a white one with gold accents and his name in a red cursive font.

'Princey?' I knocked on the door.

'Virge?' He opened the door slightly. His hair was a bit messy in a really hot way. He had a tight red t-shirt on and some baggy grey sweatpants.

'Get dressed, we're going out!'

'...what?' He ran his hands threw his hair and opened the door a bit more to lean on it.

'Holy fuck,' I mumbled under my breath.

'What?' He asked.

'Get dressed!' I pushed him lightly. He chuckled and held his hands up in defeat. He walked away from the door and pulled off his shirt.

Damn, he's ripped...

'You're staring princess.' He said chuckling again.

'COMING DAD!' I yelled, closing the door and walking away as fast as possible.

'What was that kiddo?' Patton said, walking towards me with Logan not too far behind.

'Oh, just needed to get out of a gay-panic situation.' I smile and shrugged.

'Roman has that effect on people.'

'Ye- wait I didn't say Roman.'

'You didn't need to.' Patton giggled before walking past me with Logan.

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