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Anthony had realized when the valet tied the cravat expertly around his neck, that the lady must indeed be some genteel lady of consequence and ranking that Linley chose his best morning attire for the visit. Checking a gold watch in his right pocket, he had seen that it was well past breakfast, and he had kept the lady waiting for far too long.

His headache had simmered to tender numbness, as the blackened brew and white powder worked their magic. Anthony was now aware of a slight rumbling in his belly. He was hungry, he thought with a frown.

Maybe he could invite the lady for a late breakfast instead of a midday meal. She might have traveled from a far estate and would be grateful for a repast.

He smiled, or maybe she was a widow.

Or a married woman, but that hardly signifies.

Married women and widows discreetly visited him in London, it would be a scandal for them to come visit him all the way here in the middle of Wiltshire.

But if it was him that she wanted, then he would gladly be of service. Who was he to turn away an eager body in his bed?

The thoughts had made him very satisfied at the turn of events. This would be an afternoon well spent if the lady had the same intentions that he had.

The valet stepped down from the small bench and looked at him. Startled at the sight of his wicked grin, Linely lost his balance.

As Anthony inspected himself through the looking glance, he immediately saw what startled the young lad. Dropping the ghastly grin, he shook his head disapprovingly at his thick coal-black hair, longer than what fashion dictated, and his cobalt eyes deeply set in grayish circles.

He had never been too concerned with his appearance, but what he saw was indeed a matter of concern. He looked like the very devil that plagued him.

Although Lord Killsworth was an old title, it wasn't as rich as it he would have hoped. His father hadn't been a talented land manager, and his pride hadn't allowed him to employ a good estate manager for his affairs. So when Anthony inherited all of this, he inherited a shell of a home.

He spent much of his life going about businesses and routines. He had been eager to learn, so his days were full and purposeful, but his nights were spent in pleasure. This very nature of his schedule had made Anthony a determined walker, and determinedly he strode from his bedchamber to the ground floor and reached the drawing room in only a couple of minutes from dressing.

Without thinking, he pushed both doors and burst through the room without even allowing the butler to introduce his presence. He had wanted to put the formalities aside and was eager to meet the lovely and eager widow.

But he was surprised for he hadn't seen what he expected at all. The woman who stood from the couch wasn't the widows or mistresses he was familiar with, instead, she was a matronly woman clad in a brown serviceable morning frock.

Surely, Linley had not intended for this misunderstanding.

But the matron seemed to be more surprised of him than he of her. Her eyes darted to his right, and Anthony followed her gaze and saw a startled young woman who appeared to be having difficulty with her own feet.

She stumbled back, leaped forward, and then turned to her right, hissing and falling towards him all at once. He shifted his footing, extending his arms to catch her under her flailing limbs.

Landing squarely on him, he let out a breath of surprise and gathered her securely to her feet.

"Oof!" Grunting from the weight that assailed him, he searched her head for a face while her hunched body was being set to rights.

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