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Sarah Jane hadn't seen Anthony the entire day. Her last meal had been the eggs and toast from breakfast and she had not been able to take any food for the rest of the afternoon due to the building anxiety in her stomach.

Her mind held the morning conversation on repeat as she mulled over her infernal words that provoked Anthony's hungry gaze and sultry smile. Even as the words left her lips, she didn't know what she was about. Maybe she had assumed too much, been too pushy, and then unwittingly unleashed a beast inside her affianced.

All she knew was that she wanted him, and she wanted him to trust her.

If he had taken her in that drawing room, then she would not presently be in this perpetual state of inquietude. She wouldn't be in this room at all.

She stared at the timepiece that silently ticked atop the writing desk as she wondered what exactly Anthony had in mind when he said "tonight." Tonight could be any time between the sunset and sunrise. She had been wringing her hands for the past hour as she anticipated his arrival.

Sarah Jane bathed in vanilla tonight, thinking that the scent might be pleasing for him.

She was in her favorite nightclothes, a very thin cotton chemise that had a demure ribbon around her neck. She had no idea if it was his favorite, but the chemise ended around her ankles, and stretched over her arm, covering half of her hand with ruffles. This was the very same chemise that she wore when she stumbled upon him in his study at Kinsmen Place. It was their first sexually charged kiss, and Sarah Jane thought that he might have wanted to see her again in it—if just to bring back desirable memories.

Quite unsure of what to do with herself, she started to pace the room, brushing her hair repeatedly as she thought that maybe she should have better prepared for their lovemaking. What was to be prepared further than a long bath?

There was a light scratch on the door.

She whispered for him to come in, quickly stepping away as her shaking hand grabbed a hold of the only lighted candle of the room.

Anthony entered, his crisp white shirt on his back, loosely tied breeches and boots hugged his legs. He carried with him a large velvet robe and a dim candle in the other. She came to him then, and he planted a chaste kiss on her lips as he set the candle down on a table. His hands worked quickly, and covered her with the robe.

She shivered as his hands felt warm against the cool muslin on her skin. "Where have you been all day?"

"Hiding," he told her with a grin. "I had an interesting discovery this morning on how you have been watching me. Which was why it was necessary to take the extra pains to hide from you to make our tryst all the more exciting."

She swatted his arm. Sarah Jane liked the way Anthony had become playful and carefree after having chased his demons away. Sarah Jane couldn't believe how she had trapped a man like him into a marriage with her.

"You are going to marry me..." She reminded him since her mind just wouldn't allow her to proceed with this if its main concern was not appeased.

"Yes." He agreed and extinguished her candle with a swift puff of air, left it on the desk, and then pulled her into the hallway. His fingers guided the door to gently close behind them as if they were thieves stealing into the night.

Anthony smiled, thinking that he is very much a thief with the way he was taking Sarah Jane from her room to ravish her in his.

"You are going to marry me," She continued in a whisper, "even with my very atrocious manners and savagery?"

Anthony did not answer right away, instead, he pulled her as he pushed his index finger against his mouth, and led them both to tiptoe to his room.

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