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Anthony was aware of what Sarah Jane was doing the entire evening.

He had been watching her like a hawk. He had known when she took a turn about the room, he he had cataloged each and every person who was introduced to her, and he had definitely known when Sarah Jane wandered to the path leading to him.

He fancied himself even knowing the exact moment when she decided to bring herself and her friend towards him. His skin had pricked with awareness and anticipation, as she approached.

No one had noticed how much he was aware of her, but if anyone did, no one made a mention of it.

Anthony hadn't decided if he should be treating her with indifference. It was probably what she deserved with the way she treated him earlier in the evening.

Sarah Jane had been insulting, and she was ungrateful. Two adjectives he would never have used to describe her if he knew better. But he hadn't known better, and Sarah Jane was a completely different person after having her lessons in London.

He wasn't entirely sure if he should be blaming himself for that change.

Anthony's body stiffened when she neared. She was finally here, and although he was annoyed, he also felt relief of finally having her by his side.

"Hello Anthony," she began and there was a telltale sign of understanding as the small group of people they were in hushed. The lady beside her gasped and tried to pull Sarah Jane away.

It was again a relief that Anthony had been in the presence of good friends, good men who would know better than to berate a small faux pas.

"I beg your pardon." She bowed her head and then decided to curtsy again. "I meant, good evening, my lord." She shifted uncomfortably on her feet and turned to the girl beside her as if asking for support.

"Lady Sarah Jane." He watched her discomfort, satisfied that a semblance of the girl he once knew was still there.

Anthony had just been about to tell his friends the truth of his return when Sarah Jane arrived in their circle. He had wanted to explain to them his absence and silence in correspondences. However, that will have to wait until later.

"How do you do, my lady?" His friend, the taller gentleman of the two in a well-pressed black suit bowed affably. She looked up to scan his face, and Sarah Jane visibly relaxed upon seeing that the man was a friendly sort—a happy fellow, who did exactly as was expected of an affable gentleman.


Sarah Jane spotted a thick gold band on his wedding finger. She made a mental note of crossing him out of her list.

She bowed and murmured her greetings. "This is my friend, Miss Anne Hastings." She motioned to a slight of a girl standing beside her.

Anthony recalled that she vaguely looked familiar, but only vaguely.

The tall gentleman was the Duke of Creston. He and Anne acknowledged each other. "Yes, I know Miss Hastings." He said in a friendly tone that only a few among the ton used.

When no one said a word after that, the duke cleared his throat. "And how are your sisters, Miss Hastings? I believe they're out for the season as well?"

"Yes, your grace. They're doing very well, thank you for asking." Anne replied graciously. The Duke of Creston had always been a polite fellow.

Anthony watched the exchange carefully. In the corner of his eye, he saw Sarah Jane's eyes widen in slight surprise. It was subtle, but he noticed it nonetheless.

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