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Anthony stayed with her most of the night, and he allowed his fingers to bury themselves in her hair as he whispered promises into her ear.

Just minutes after being fully stripped and washed, she laid in a peaceful afterglow in his arms. He had brought a damp towel over her, cleaning her naked form until a blush covered her entire body. Anthony smiled at her shyness. He allowed her some modesty as he stripped to clean himself as well.

They settled in bed, naked and warm under the covers. Her head rested on his chest and her hand draped across his waist as she told him how she had spent the entire day in fear that he didn't want her.

Anthony lifted the covers and showed her his hardness, which despite its recent release still begged for her attention.

"If this is not evidence enough, my inability to bed anyone after you've arrived in my life will finally settle your doubts."

She smiled, a womanly contented smile that knew full well she was wanted and lusted after. "Why don't you just make love to me?"

He kissed her forehead, "Soon, my sweet. Very soon, after we've married."

"I had no idea you were so proper."

Anthony combed her hair with his fingers as he urged her to rest. "You will soon realize only after a minute of being married to me just how improper I can be."

Long after she slept, he laid in bed watching her, staring at her peaceful features as he dwelled on his dumb luck. Mr. Collins made a mistake, and in his opinion, it was the very best of mistakes that could ever have happened to him. That night as Anthony closed his eyes from happiness, he had the most contented slumber in his life.

By daybreak, he dropped a kiss on her forehead and moved to leave the room before the maids lighted the grate for kitchen work.

"Anthony?" She stirred, mumbling in her sleep as her hand sought for him.

"Yes, my love?" He quickly reached her side, clutching his coat in his other hand. "Go back to sleep."

Her brows creased, eyes still shut. "Where are you going?"

"Back to my room before anyone discovers that I haven't left your room."

He took the ring from his coat pocket. He had bought it from shopping into town with Charlotte. He smiled inwardly, remembering how Sarah Jane had been so jealous of that trip. Damn him for being a man who appreciated how much she was green with envy upon seeing him with another. He had no doubts that she wanted him all to herself.

The black velvet box was lined with intricate gold flowers. He had bought a sparkling diamond, round, and cut many different ways and secured by an intricate weave of gold bands. Its clarity had reminded him of her tears, but its depth and seemingly endless glitter had reminded him of her heart.

"Are you asleep?" he whispered, taking her left hand in his.

Anthony smiled as he remembered how he chose the ring, it looked fairly plain and simple at first but the more he looked at it, the more he was convinced that its design was more special than anything that he had ever seen.

Just like his Lady Sarah Jane.

"No." She murmured, and snuggled up to his warmth, eyes still closed.

Grinning like every lovesick married fool he had hastily accused, he slipped the ring on her fourth finger, and relished the feeling of joy spreading in his chest.

"Mmm." Her eyes blinked open at the cold metal on her finger. "When did you buy this?"

He laughed, "You accused me of shopping..."

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