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Sarah Jane hurried to her room through the service staircase with Anne, thankful that her friend had saved her from an embarrassing and scandal-worthy situation with Lady Huntington and Lord Holt.

Her modesty gnawed at her, begging her to find an answer to how much Anne had observed. She wouldn't be able to take it back, but at least she would take some satisfaction in knowing what exactly and how much of it did she see.

"Anne," she began as they were safely in her room.

"Say no more." Anne held her hand up to discourage her from apologizing or doing something close to that, "I shall tell no one."

That was not what she was worried about.

"Thank you." She said gratefully as she changed into a fresh gown behind the dressing screen. "But, I was not pertaining to that..."

Anne sat on her bed, her legs crossed while she wondered what else might Sarah Jane request of her.

"I was merely concerned on how much you have... er..." She struggled as she pulled the new gown over her shoulders, moving away from the divider to look at her friend's reaction. "Well, that is to say..."

"I wasn't behind the door the entire time!" Anne looked visibly affronted at the accusation. "I would never spy on a lover's tryst!"

Sarah Jane caught a hysterical giggle with her hand, "That wasn't a lover's tryst!"

"Yes it was! What kind of behavior was that if not for a lover's tryst?" Anne concluded, her cheeks high with color.

Very well, that may just be the exact portraiture of a lover's tryst. It's not that she is denying what had occurred, but she just wants to know if she has seen or what she has seen, that is all.

"Did you see me... us?" She asked, sitting on the bed beside her friend. "How much did you... observe?"

Anne tipped her chin up, eyes cast downward as if to make a big show of looking so unaffected, "I saw your back, that you were over him, and heard kissing noises so I retreated behind the door to offer you some privacy to collect yourself."

"Thank you," a smile creeped up to her face, "again." she felt the need to add, as her gratitude might not be as apparent. "You saved me from disgrace, and for that, I am in your debt."

Sarah Jane did not want to think about all the consequences if they were caught. Anthony might be forced to marry her, which to anyone's eyes might be for her benefit, but that will be a lifetime of uncertainty if he married her only due to societal pressure and duty. She didn't want to be reduced to a duty, especially with him.

Anne shook her head. "We are friends." Saying it matter-of-factly made Sarah Jane's eyes water. How could she have been so lucky to find one true loyal friend in that infernal party?

Anne rose, bringing her hand to cover her friend's hands, "Besides, I am older, though unmarried, I do know what it's like to share a kiss with a gentleman."

Sarah Jane glanced at her friend curiously, a secretive grin dancing on her lips as they stood to move to the door. "That kind of kiss? With who?"

Anne blushed deeper, mutely shaking her head to keep her secret as she pulled Sarah Jane out of the room.

They were greeted by Mathilda in the hall.

"The ladies Killsworth and Huntington have been waiting for you for ages!" Mathilda clucked her tongue and started pushing Sarah Jane towards the corner to the staircase.

"Oh, I've missed you too!" Rolling her eyes affectionately to the matronly woman, she giggled and linked arms with Anne, finding the day extremely pleasant as compared to all the other days she had spent in London.

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