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Anthony stood frozen on his feet when he heard the dreaded name escape Sarah Jane's lips. He was so focused on reaching Sarah Jane that on his intent to remove her from Sir Samuel, he had been a second too late to notice a man on the door.

It had been a day and a half since that damned letter, and here he was, the ever-elusive Mr. Collins arriving in the most unfortunate moment to take her away.

He stopped a few feet from Sarah Jane, bringing them all in a rather awkward triangle. To his right, Mr. Collins was still on the half step-up from the main hallway, and to his left, Sarah Jane and Sir Samuel hovered over a terribly small bench by the parlor archway.

He brought his hands to his waist as he thought of how best to throw both men out so that he may finally have a word with her.

Mr. Collins did not seem to notice him and instead focused his attention solely on Lady Sarah Jane, his eyes drooped half-way from the lack of sleep.

"Are you ready to leave? We must depart immediately for our journey will be to Yorkshire. Lord Rosenberg shall be waiting for us." He mentioned gravely as he looked around for Robinson and Mathilda who was sure to accompany the lady.

Sarah Jane stood, clearly unbelieving and misunderstanding what she was hearing.

Sir Samuel stood too, curious to know what they were talking about.

"Your father is sending for you?" He inquired innocently.

She stared at Sir Samuel for a few minutes, at a loss of words on how to explain that her father had been dead for a quite some time, and that Lord Rosenberg was also quite dead—except that Killsworth might become Rosenberg, who is very much alive, and who by the way, wasn't in any way in Yorkshire.

She could not think of any possible reason that will require her to travel to Yorkshire into the night.

People started to gather in the hallway as Lady Huntington and Lady Killsworth remained in their position to watch the unknown man who had entered their home. Many prominent people were in attendance, on of which is the rumored biggest gossip of the ton, Lady Thistlewicke.

She swallowed and decided to completely ignore Sir Samuel's question. She instead feigned ignorance and pretended that his question fell to deaf ears.

Sarah Jane turned to face the intruder she was mildly acquainted with, who in her opinion looked positively wild and unrestrained this very evening.

"Mr. Collins, whatever do you mean?"

Mr. Collins took a step back, surprised by Sarah Jane's question, his brows furrowing in confusion. "I sent you a letter. I told you about this, I informed you..."

His voice trailed to a whisper as his eyes focused on the forming crowd in the hallway. It was at that moment that he noticed a man beside Sarah Jane who was unabashedly staring at him as well. He hadn't expected to interrupt a social gathering. He knew his express missive had been received, he made sure of it.

Barnaby waited for Lord Killsworth to say something as two footmen flanked his sides, on alert and ready to remove the uninvited guest with as little as one word from his master.

Mr. Collins allowed his eyes roam once more as he struggled to comprehend the confusion he had caused. His head turned to a corner and recognized Lord Killsworth. He stood frozen in his place, unable to decide whether to welcome Mr. Collins to his home or to throw him out.

"Lord Killsworth?"

"Mr. Collins, we haven't been expecting you."

Mr. Collins looked from one man to another and finally settled his gaze on the lord of the house who had donned his pristine black evening clothes and currently sported a slightly perturbed expression.

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