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"I think we must introduce ourselves," Sarah Jane commented once they realized that the people were not going to tire of being beside Millicent Wetherby.

"I think you should, too," Anne replied as she took an éclair from the table. Really, the chocolates that Lady Huntington imported were sublime.

There were already 2 country dances and 1 quadrille, but both of them had yet to receive offers. There were many gentlemen, but they were always otherwise engaged. Anne didn't seem to be disturbed, but Sarah Jane didn't have this in mind when she pictured herself in her debut.

So, she pulled Anne by the arm and started heading towards the crowded area of the ballroom.

"I believe I said you should, not we should," Anne said in-between chews and dug her heels on the carpeted floor to stop them from propelling forward.

"Alone?" Sarah Jane stopped and yanked her harder, causing a small part of the éclair to fly from her fingers.

"Yes, you. Not with me." She stared at the fallen éclair regrettably.

"Whyever not?" Sarah Jane demanded and lightly kicked the éclair under a lined side table.

"I already know her, and we are not exactly friends."

"But we are, so that should be enough reason."

Sarah Jane pulled both of them to face the crowd once again. Soon enough, after Anne had safely swallowed the remains of the sweet treat, they were within visible range of all the ladies and gentlemen of the marriage mart.

They smiled at those who noticed them and blatantly stared at those who didn't. When the last strings of the dance ended, the ladies were returned to the wall and the men huddled together to presumably return to whatever they were talking about before their presence was required on the ballroom.

Sarah Jane stood straight, her bosoms proud, and her dress prim. The ladies were talking about the most handsome from the lot, and they couldn't decide whether Mr. Forester or Lord Whitstocking was more debonair.

"There are three Mr. Foresters you know," one girl whispered excitedly, and loudly, to her companion. "All of them without a title yet, but they have quite a fortune."

"And yes, look how dashing he is. That marvelous nose, and wonderful chin," the other girl added approvingly.

Anne tugged on Sarah Jane's sleeve and discreetly pointed to the direction of Mr. Forester. "If you ask me, I do not see anything remarkable about him."

Sarah Jane studied his face. He did look quite pleasant, but not as dashing as the girls have described him to be. In all truth, the Dukes had been better looking.

The girls suddenly stopped talking, and silence filled their corner.

Sarah Jane looked over to her side, and there was a man looking remarkably similar to Mr. Forester, standing next to Anne.

"Hello Ms. Hastings, how are you doing this evening," he greeted casually.

Anne acknowledged his greeting and returned with hers. "This is Lady Sarah Jane of Rosenberg in Cheshire. I'm sure you have heard of their family."

Lady Sarah Jane acknowledged him as well, and they exchanged pleasantries.

"How do you do, my lady. I am not quite familiar with the peerage as my interests have always brought me elsewhere, but I am delighted to be of your acquaintance." He began and then introduced himself as the second Mr. Forester.

That was why he looked very similar.

The girls were unabashedly staring at him. Sarah Jane took this as a chance to include herself in the group and make some friends.

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