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Millicent Wetherby.

That was a name plain-old-Sarah Jane would never be able to forget.

Her name traveled like wildfire across the ballroom.

She was just about to ask the only woman left beside her of the vixen's name when a loud matronly matchmaking mama had exclaimed it out loud.

Millicent Wetherby was a force of nature. Everyone felt it. She was like bread in a barren pond and all the fishes came swimming immediately towards her just to get one small bite.

Sarah Jane was stunned. She really was just excruciatingly beautiful.

"How do you do," the lady beside her greeted.

Sarah Jane looked to her right and saw a woman in white, flowers in her hair and a distinct mole on her cheek—right inside the crook where her smile ends.

"How do you do," Sarah Jane curtsied.

The lady curtsied back. "I haven't introduced myself, you were surrounded by so many people I thought I might choke if I tried." She smiled again. "I am Miss Anne Hastings from Gloucestershire." She proceeded to tuck a small brown curl behind her ear.

"I am Sarah Jane from Rosenberg of Cheshire," she said, then remembered, "I meant, I'm Lady Sarah Jane Riverton from Cheshire. My father was the late Lord Rosenberg."

Anne bowed in acknowledgement of her title. "My lady."

"Oh please." Sarah Jane violently shook her head. "Cheshire is as country as it sounds. Please don't make it so formal. I am in want of friends."

"Well, you are in luck as I am in want too." She gave her a winning smile. "Although I must warn you, I am a bit shy."

Sarah Jane looked at her dubiously. This lady had approached her and made conversation, she was anything but shy.

"I know what you're thinking." Coyly, she glanced towards the paper of her dance card while tightening its ribbon around her wrist. "I really am shy, I jest you not. It's just that it's my 3rd season out and I have 3 more sisters. I am to be securely married this year to give hope for them."

Sarah Jane nodded. She had been told that this was a common situation.

"Have you any sisters?"

Sarah Jane shook her head. "None as many as brothers."

Anne's eyes widened. "Only you?"

"That is why you see only of me now and see of me only now." Her spirits were brightening because of this new friend and they laughed together.

Excellent news that her first friend in London has a sense of humor. "Your explanation has nothing to do with your shyness."

"Ah yes, but this shy girl cannot talk to potential husbands... and that is a very sad situation, don't you think?" Anne opened a fan and started fanning under her chin.

"A sad situation indeed." Sarah Jane was beginning to feel that it truly wasn't chilly after all. "But I fail to see what conversation has to do with anything." She pointed her chin to the current location of the famous girl. "Look at Miss Wetherby. I don't think she can make conversations with the number of men surrounding her."

Anne pursed her mouth in distaste.

"What's the matter?"

"I'd rather have a husband that I can talk to, than a husband who stares at me all day," she said matter-of-factly and started to fan herself even more vigorously. "I find staring rather uncomfortable, I do not know why she seeks it."

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