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"I want you to take me away"

Her voice was almost inaudible from the tremble of nerves as the words left her mouth.

Anthony let out a puff of air, unaware that he had stopped breathing in anticipation of her answer to a rather asinine question of 'What do you want?'

All this time he had told himself to stay away from her and if were to be completely honest with himself, he never really succeeded with this plan. What shall he do now?

Sarah Jane adored London, she begged him for a Season in society, and she wanted to finally be part of and be accepted by the ton. Whereas he, well, Anthony thoroughly despised what London stood for, and longed to remain in the country with the innocent sheep and people who could not care less about what, who, when and how. In the country, his business will remain his own.

How can he possibly take her away?

Anthony watched her quietly. She seemed to have had a change of heart, and his mind was all too eager for to scream "Yes! Take her! Take her away right now!" Thoughts warred violently. Maybe, he had a chance to make her happy if this is what she truly wanted.

"Please take me away." She whispered so softly, pleading that he understand how much she made herself so vulnerable at that very moment.. She waited, too afraid to look away, too afraid for his rejection.

He gently captured her hands in his, like delicate buds in their protective sepals, "And I am to take you where?" he whispered, startled of how foreign his voice sounded to his ears. This wasn't him. Raw, broken, worried and begging all at the same time. His bright gaze glistened under the scarce light as he searched the meaning behind her words, his blood warming them from hand to hand, skin to skin.

Does she understand what she is asking of him?

Unnerved by his response, her hands flipped their position, grabbing and gripping his large fingers in a tenacious hold. "Anywhere." She breathed, her words slow and deliberate. "Anywhere, as long as I am with you."

There was terrible silence as Anthony internally debated for what he ought to do. Everything was screaming for him to take her, to do as she wished and never return to this god forsaken city.

But there were too many secrets. The letter, his past, the obscurity of it all, shall he tell her all now? He didn't know if he could live through her resentment if she found him out. He didn't know if he could watch her cry at night because of the awful lies and tales that would be spread about her once they leave.

Anthony couldn't subject her to that. He would have to die first before torturing himself in seeing her soul broken, a wife whose heart is wasting away from his own doing.

Sarah Jane swallowed a lump of nerves as she watched hesitation play on his face. As long as he isn't resolute, she can still make him understand.

"I shall endeavor to make you happy." She spoke so softly, a final plea to make him understand that she fully consents to all the consequences of her choice.

Sarah Jane knew that when Anthony brooded for a long time, she was as close to winning as a laughable prey is able to escape a determined predator. She had to think quickly or he would leave her again, bereft of the comfort and promise of her happiness.

Her hands swiftly cupped and gripped his chin, facing him to her as she captured his lips in a searing kiss. She felt him jolt from surprise, his arm snaking around her waist, gripping its handles tightly as if to move her away.

Emboldened by her fear of rejection, she scooted closer into his arms, almost over his lap as she pressed her mouth eagerly. His mouth opened to catch his breath and was teased by a shy tongue on his lips.

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