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The whole house was in such a flurry of activity that Sarah Jane found it difficult to have her breakfast in the dining area. She took her plate and quickly filled it with fresh scones, crumpets, bacon, and eggs. Carefully, she balanced the plate on her hands, standing on her toes, clutching the plate to her chest as she scooted to the side to allow a footman carry a towering vase of the whitest flowers she has ever seen. Her movement brought her to the end of the hall leading to the archway where no noblewomen passed. The kitchen was a place only for the working class.

The room's coldness concealed any hints of the activity that concocted the gracious breakfast spread. Her boot scraped the division on the floor where the creamy limestone tiles of the dining hall ended, and where the hardened gravel and natural stones began. Telltale signs of years of work and grime had solidified its surface while the rancid oils was thankfully masked by the dried leaves and flowers scattered on the cool ground.

Placing a tentative step within the expanse? she eyed a familiar jar of reddish purple goo while her thoughts drowned in all things Killsworth. They had indeed shared a jar of jam on the day they met, and somehow somewhere between that day and today Anthony had clammed up, becoming this brooding beast who would shut her off when she came too near.

Heavy footfalls fast approached the room, as light revealed the intruder, Mathilda inquired of her presence as she set an water pot over a brick. "What are you doing here?"

Sarah Jane eyed Mathilda's dirty apron, looking every bit as pleased when she recognized the reddish splatters of sweet jam. "You made my favorite jam?"

Mathilda nodded with a smile. "Been to the market and saw a fresh batch of berries being delivered by a hackney." She took one glance at the girl's plate, "Come now, I've made this just before the break of dawn."

Sarah Jane hurried to her side and hugged the portly lady from behind, unable to conceal her gratitude. She needed this, something close to home, something comforting, after being plagued by confusing thoughts of Lord Killsworth and his reluctance to love her.

Matilda left her in peace, and she decided that although the room was drafty, no one would disturb her eating there. Sometimes, the balm to one's broken soul is freedom from judging eyes.

Sarah Jane quickly pulled a metal stool and placed her plate on the cleanest brick counter. After rubbing her palms on her skirts, she sliced two scones open, aligning it side by side as she meticulously scooped up heaps of warm jam into them. She allowed the sweetness seep into the crumb, smiling as the scone deflated halfway from the weight of the jam. She took a mouthful of eggs then broke a piece of bacon with her hands.

"Mmm..." This was heaven. She was sure there was indeed no better God to have blessed English soil with such good produce.

Deriving this much pleasure from eating could be considered a sin, but she rather thought it was a gift. No animal she have observed looked quite ecstatic when they eat. Horses and cows ate greenery like boredom consumed their very soul. Lions and beasts, she was told, ate like the very devil. Humans, she was beginning to think, are the favorite of God because they are allowed to derive pleasure from food. It was magic.

A small drop started to form on the edge of the open scone. She took her finger to it, cleaning its sides and placed it on her lips. She could feel its warmth, its sticky consistency, as her tongue darted out for a taste. She smiled, biting her lower lip from excitement and looking like a girl of six as she went to break another piece of bacon.

"I have never seen anyone enjoy eating so much."

She whipped her head to the familiar sound, the low vibrating hum of his voice sending her shivers of familiarity and anticipation. "Good morning, my lord." She greeted cheerily and then went back to her bacon, licking her fingers in the process.

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