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"Beomyoo wake up you've been sleeping forever" Beomyoo's roommate Jiyeon yelled from across the apartment room

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"Beomyoo wake up you've been sleeping forever" Beomyoo's roommate Jiyeon yelled from across the apartment room.
"Later" Beomyoo mumbled.
"No wake up now we are going shopping together. Remember you promised me" Jiyeon told her.
"Fine one second Ji let me get ready" Beomyoo said as she got up.

She found some clothes that she like and went to the mirror. While she was at the mirror she noticed a drawing of a a broken rose on her wrist.

She thought Jiyeon was playing a prank on her so she went to the bathroom to scrub it off.
While she was trying to scrub it off it started to burn so she stopped and went to Jiyeon.

"Jiyeon what did you do to my wrist?" Beomyoo whined.
"I didn't do anything to your wrist" Jiyeon told her. "Let me see what's wrong with your wrist" Jiyeon said as she took a hold of Beomyoo's wrist.
Jiyeon looked at her wrist.

"Hmmm, I KNOW WHAT THIS IS!" Jiyeon suddenly screamed making Beomyoo jump in fear. "Oops sorry Beomyoo" Jiyeon apologized.
"So what is it?" Beomyoo asked.
"It's a soulmate tattoo." Jiyeon told the younger girl. "This means you have a soulmate Beomyoo!" Jiyeon explained.
"Soulmate?" Beomyoo said in confusion.
"Yeah, a soulmate is a person who the world picked for you." Jiyeon told her. "A soulmate is someone who is meant for you" Jiyeon said with excitement.
"Oh do you have one Jiyeon?" Beomyoo asked the older girl.
"Yes I do I haven't meet them yet though," Jiyeon answered.
"Is my soulmate someone I know?" Beomyoo asked.
"Maybe, you also might not know the person." Jiyeon told her.

"Oh Beomyoo look at those cute clothes!" Jiyeon said as she dragged Beomyoo along with her

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"Oh Beomyoo look at those cute clothes!" Jiyeon said as she dragged Beomyoo along with her.

Beomyoo really didn't want to be at the mall but she did promise Jiyeon that she would go shopping with her.

Fucking idiot Beomyoo heard a males voice

What? Who said that?

Who the fuck said that?!
Who are you?

Who are you? Where are you? And why the fuck can you read and respond to my thoughts?!

I don't know I'm just shopping in the mall with my friend then I heard you talk

Who ever you are I'll find you!

That's the end of Chapter 1 I hoped you enjoyed

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That's the end of Chapter 1 I hoped you enjoyed

𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒|𝐂𝐡𝐚 𝐄𝐮𝐧𝐰𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now