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Byeongkwan came to the car and entered

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Byeongkwan came to the car and entered.

"Ok you ready to head home?" Byeongkwan asked Beomyoo.
"Yeah" Beomyoo said

Beomyoo was ready to go to bed she was so tired even though she slept in till 12.

While Byeongkwan was driving. Beomyoo slowly started drifting off to sleep.

They finally got home and Byeongkwan noticed Beomyoo was still sleeping so he lifted her up bridal style and laid her down on her bed.

Byeongkwan looked at her arm and the glanced at his and sighed. He looked around the room to see if anyone was there then he placed a kiss on Beomyoo's forehead.

"The world may have not destined us together but I love you but now I know I must let you go" Byeongkwan said as he sighed once more and walked out of Beomyoo's apartment.

"The world may have not destined us together but I love you but now I know I must let you go" Byeongkwan said as he sighed once more and walked out of Beomyoo's apartment

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Beomyoo woke up and looked at her phone clock and it read 12:07AM. She couldn't fall back asleep so she decided to get up and get some food because she was hungry.

She noticed Jiyeon wasn't back yet. She thought that was weird but she didn't think to much of it since Jiyeon was the type to go out and party at late hours.

She decided to eat some of the leftover Chinese food from yesterday. While she was getting the food she felt a really bad pain in her stomach which caused her to drop the plate and fall to the ground.

She groaned in pain it wasn't that time of month and even if it was the pain wouldn't be this bad. She tasted a disgusting taste in her mouth. It was the taste of blood.

She touched her mouth to check if she was bleeding but nothing she could only taste it. The pain in her stomach was getting worse and it didn't seem like it was going to get better.

She felt her body giving up. She thought she was going to die. All she wanted was some yummy Chinese food.

That fucking bitch

The same male voice from before groaned.

It's you again
Beomyoo said in pain

Oh god who are you

Why should I tell you

Because I want to know you clearly don't know who I am

Yeah I clearly don't know who you are


Why do you sound in pain?

That's none of your business

Ok than Mr grumpy

What excuse me?!

Anyways my friend said we are soulmates and that's how we are communicating

That soulmate shit I'm leaving

Please don't leave you talking to me is actually making me feel better

No I'm leaving and going to get help

But I can hear and respond to your thoughts so I can still talk to you

How about you shut the fuck up!

The the male suddenly barked which made Beomyoo startled.

Beomyoo stopped talking to him but after talking to him it made her feel better so she got off from off the floor and started cleaning up the plate that shattered when she dropped it.

Beomyoo stopped talking to him but after talking to him it made her feel better so she got off from off the floor and started cleaning up the plate that shattered when she dropped it

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Wait personally I really like this chapter
Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes it's late a night personally I really like writing a night I feel more creative lmao

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