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I never saw him smile before that was the first time I saw him smile

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I never saw him smile before that was the first time I saw him smile

So you never saw me smile before?

What are you talking about I'm talking about the person I just saw


Why are you calling me an idiot?!

I'm not going to tell you but look at your tattoo

Beomyoo took a look at her tattoo and it was red.

Why is the tattoo red?!

You meet your soulmate

I met you?

No I'm not your soulmate

Then who are you and who's my soulmate

Omg you really are an idiot

I'm not stop calling me that!

Who have you meet today?

I meet Jun, that random creep, that dude that saved me what was his name oh well it doesn't matter and Donghun wait is Jun or Donghun my soulmate

Ask Donghun if he has a tattoo then

No I'm still mad at him

You're an idiot my soulmates an idiot

I thought you said you weren't my soulmate

Beomyoo I am your soulmate I was just joking

How do you know my name?!

I meet you today

Wait What's your name

Wouldn't you like to know

Wait where have I heard that before... Wait you're the dude that saved me from the creep! What was your name though I forgot

I'm not telling you that I guess you'll have to find that out yourself.

You suck

I know

Anyways why did you make me go with Donghun I didn't want to

Teams must stick together I guess

How do you know Donghun?

Wouldn't you like to know

Shut up

You shouldn't say that to people especially the person who saved you

You where pretty cool before you handed me back to Donghun!

I have to attend to some... Business enjoy your time with the guys.

 Business enjoy your time with the guys

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"Yoo we're back!" Donghun said.
"No I don't want to be here" Beomyoo acted like a child who didn't want to leave their friends house.
"Let's go Yoo" Donghun said.
"No" Beomyoo said with her arms crossed and pouting.
"Beomyoo if you don't come in I going to carry you in" Donghun said as he got out of the car.
"He wouldn't dare" Beomyoo huffed.

And just as she said that Donghun opened the door and lifted up Beomyoo bridal style.

"Hey! Donghun let me down!" Beomyoo kicked and screamed.
"No it's not that bad Yooie you're just going to live with us for awhile" Donghun tried to calm her down.
"But I wanna live on my own!" Beomyoo sated.
"Shh shh shh" Donghun shushed her as he went up to the door to exit the garage.

A.C.E lived underneath a café. They owned the café. Right now Beomyoo and Donghun was in their garage which was underground.

Donghun opened the door.

"We're back!" He yelled.
"Yo you brought Beomyoo!" Chan said happily.
"Can I be put down now?!" Beomyoo asked Donghun.
"As long as you don't runaway again" Donghun told her.
"Fine" she said
"It's not like she would get far Sehyoon said while standing in front of the garage doors.

Beomyoo and the other guys were talking while Jun was watching from afar

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Beomyoo and the other guys were talking while Jun was watching from afar. He wanted to apologize to Beomyoo but he didn't know how to.

He went back to his office and thought.

"How do I apologize to Yoo" Jun mumbled to himself.

While he was thinking his phone rang. He took a look at the caller ID "Eunwoo" he picked up his phone and answered.

"Hello" he said.
"Yo Jun are you busy by chance"

Yo I didn't read over it again just a heads up-

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Yo I didn't read over it again just a heads up-

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