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They got to Eunwoo's house. This house was different to his gang's house it was his own personal house that he only went to sometimes.

"You can stay here for the night" Eunwoo told Beomyoo.
"Ok thank you"
"Oh and here you can wear my hoodie and sweatpants since you don't have any other clothes" he said. "It might be a little big on you" he chuckled as he handed Beomyoo a hoodie and sweatpants.

Beomyoo went into the bathroom and changed into Eunwoo's hoodie and sweatpants. The hoodie was almost a dress on her it was so big.

When Beomyoo came out Eunwoo chuckled.

"What's so funny" Beomyoo made an angry pouty face that Eunwoo thought was cute.
"Nothing" Eunwoo said with a slight smile. "Anyways it's pretty late you should head to bed, you can sleep in my bed" Eunwoo told her.
"What about you, Where will you sleep?" She asked him.
"I'm not going to go to sleep for awhile I can sleep on the couch anyways" he told her.
"No you can't this is your house you should sleep on your bed" Beomyoo said.
"Are you saying you want me to sleep with you?" Eunwoo said with a slight smirk.
"What no I was j-just uhh"


Beomyoo ended up sleeping in the same bed as Eunwoo. Eunwoo was sleeping peacefully on his side while Beomyoo was still awake on her side. She couldn't fall asleep she was scared on what Jun was going to think.

"Are you still awake" a tired Eunwoo yawned.
"Yes" Beomyoo mumbled.
"It's late you should go to sleep" Eunwoo told her.
"I can't-" before Beomyoo could finish what she was saying Eunwoo lightly pulled her by her arm and held her to his chest.
"See isn't this better" Eunwoo said as he nuzzled his head in her hair.

Beomyoo didn't respond. As strange as this was it made her feel calm and forget about her worries. She just enjoyed her time with Eunwoo and slept peacefully.


When Beomyoo woke up Eunwoo was no where's to be seen. She went downstairs and still didn't see him. She went into an office like place he wasn't in here but she saw notes on his desk she know she shouldn't have done this but she did it anyways, she looked through Eunwoo's notes.

"Hey what are you doing?!" An angry voice shouted. 

Beomyoo jumped in fear and looked up and saw an angry Eunwoo.


That's all for this chapter😌

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