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"What do you mean it's going to take longer to get home?" Beomyoo asked Sehyoon

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"What do you mean it's going to take longer to get home?" Beomyoo asked Sehyoon.
"It's nothing don't worry about it" Sehyoon tried to reassure her. "You know what Byeongkwan or Chan is going to drive you home" he told her.
"Why can't you drive me home?" Beomyoo asked as Sehyoon started to drive in a different direction from Beomyoo's apartment.
"Because it's important and you can't come" Sehyoon said with a serious almost frightening tone.
"Ok" Beomyoo said.

Sehyoon drove to this weird place and parked the car.

"Stay here Beomyoo and wait for Chan or Byeongkwan ok" Sehyoon tried to ask her but it came out sounding like a demand.
"Ok" Beomyoo listened to him.

Beomyoo hated when Sehyoon turned all strict. He acted scary and Beomyoo hated it she preferred the happy and sweet Sehyoon who takes care of Beomyoo.

While she was waiting for Byeongkwan or Chan to come she looked outside the window and saw this tall figure standing outside.

She looked at him and he glanced back at her. His glare was sharp and it send shivers down Beomyoo's spin.

He had this dark aura around him. It scared Beomyoo. His glare felt like it was making a hole right through her. But in a weird way it felt comforting and Beomyoo had no idea why.

The man looked away and walked in the building.

Ok I really like this chapter Again I haven't read over it so sorry if there is mistakes

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Ok I really like this chapter
Again I haven't read over it so sorry if there is mistakes

𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒|𝐂𝐡𝐚 𝐄𝐮𝐧𝐰𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now