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That night Beomyoo couldn't sleep so she decided to talk to Eunwoo

"Yo Eunwoooooo I'm bored" she talked to him through her mind.
"What are you doing up?" He asked.
"I can't sleep" she told him.
"You should go to bed it's late" he said.
"What about you then shouldn't you be in bed?"
"I'm older than you, I can do what I want" he said with a hint of sass.
"You're not that older than me! And it's not like I'm a kid" Beomyoo whined.
"Wanna come over to my house?" Eunwoo asked her.
"But what about Jun he woul-"
"Shush" Eunwoo cut her off. "Jun is like my best friend he won't care"
"Ok fine"


Eunwoo picked up Beomyoo and drove her to his house. They didn't talk much in the car just light conversation.
They got to Eunwoo's house and sat on the couch.

"What should we do?" Beomyoo asked.
"Hmmm I don't know, wanna watch a movie?" Eunwoo asked.

They picked a movie and started watching it. Not even half way through the movie they were cuddled up against each other. Beomyoo's head was on Eunwoo's chest while Eunwoo had his arm lightly wrapped around her waist.

They looked at eachother. Both of their eyes quickly scanning eachothers lips, and going back to looking at eachothers eyes. After awhile of doing this Eunwoo slowly started leaning in, Beomyoo doing the same. They both closed their eyes as their lips connected, not caring about the movie in the background.

After the kiss they both stared at eachother, both having a light blush on their checks. None of them spoke they just enjoyed their presences together. Beomyoo snuggled up to Eunwoo's chest focusing her attention back at the movie. Eunwoo looked at her a smiled lightly, thinking of the kiss.

By the time the movie was done both were sleeping still cuddling eachother.


Hehe soft chapter🥺

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