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Beomyoo looked behind her to see if Jun was still behind her

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Beomyoo looked behind her to see if Jun was still behind her. He wasn't she stopped running and took some deep breaths. She looked at here surroundings and realized she had no idea where she was.

She was scared but she didn't want to call Jun or anyone else from A.C.E so she went on her phone to find out where she was.

She got multiple phone calls from Jun and the rest of the boy's but she wasn't going to answer them.

She knew where she needed to go so she started walking there.

She knew where she needed to go so she started walking there

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"Fuck!" Jun shouted out.

Jun messed up and he knew that. He didn't mean to be so mean and controlling over Beomyoo.

"Jun it's ok Chan's trying to track her phone now so we should be able to find her soon" Donghun tried to reassure Jun.
"It's not that Donghun I know we're going to find her but she's going to hate me forever!" Jun shouted out.
"Ok I'm sure she'll understand" Donghun told him.

Jun sighed.

"I'm going to my office" he said lowly. "Don't follow me!" He said

While Beomyoo was walking she saw an older man walk up to her

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While Beomyoo was walking she saw an older man walk up to her. She just ignored it and continued to walk. But he blocked the way.

"Excuse me sir you're blocking my way" Beomyoo stuttered.

All the confidence she had against Jun was gone.

"Oh why don't you come with me it's dark out and scary" the old man told her.
"No thanks" Beomyoo said trying to be confident.
"What?" The man exclaimed as he pinned Beomyoo too the wall "come with me bitch" the man slurred his words he clearly has been drinking.
"Stop" Beomyoo struggled to get out of his grip.

The man was just about to lean in for a kiss when a punch impacted with his face.

Beomyoo looked at who punched the old man and it was the same man who she was starring at in the car.

The man started beating up the older man and Beomyoo hid her face from the scene.

"And stay away fucker" The man spat at the older man as the older man started to runaway.

"Wait!" Beomyoo said as the man was walking away.

The man turned around and gave Beomyoo a "hmm?"

"What's your name?" Beomyoo asked.

The man chuckled.

"Wouldn't you like to know" he spoke.

He was about to leave when Beomyoo ran up to him and grabbed his arm. His expression changed.

"What are you doing?" He said in a monotone voice.
"I want to know the name of the person who saved me!" She told him.

He looked at Beomyoo and took her hand off his arm.

"Beomyoo I finally found you! You don't know..." "Eunwoo?!"

Ooo they finally meet

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Ooo they finally meet.
Of course I didn't read over again so if there is any mistakes I'm sorry

𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒|𝐂𝐡𝐚 𝐄𝐮𝐧𝐰𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now