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"What?! What do you mean?!" Eunwoo ask.
"You heard me Eunwoo I'm ending the alliance with A.C.E and Astro" Jun told him.
"Why would you do that are you stupid?! We could both die from this!" Eunwoo told him.
"Oh I don't care when I have to choose between business and people I care for I'll always pick people I love" Jun explained to him.
"Oh I see what this is" Eunwoo said. "Look Jun Beomyoo and I already made up"
"What do you mean she didn't even go out to see you" Jun said.
"Oh Junhee you don't get it" Eunwoo paused.
"Yeah I don't get it!"
"You see this?" Eunwoo asked as he pulled up his sleeve to reveal his soulmate tattoo.
"Yeah it's a tattoo what about it" Jun said.
"Not just any tattoo, it's a soulmate tattoo" Eunwoo told him. "So the person you love and would choice over your work is my soulmate"
"N-no she's not" Jun stuttered.
"She is you can ask her." Eunwoo said. "So even if you do end the alliance Beomyoo will always be destined to be with me" Eunwoo told him.

Jun stayed quiet for awhile thinking about what Eunwoo said.

"F-fine we're keeping the alliance, but if you hurt Beomyoo I will find a way to keep her away from you" Jun said sternly.
"Jun, Jun, Jun people argue all the time, and I do realize I fucked up, which is why I made up with her"
"At least you know you fucked up" Jun lightly chuckled as he lightly hit the taller male.

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