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"Jiyeon I hear someone's voice" Beomyoo said in fear

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"Jiyeon I hear someone's voice" Beomyoo said in fear.
"What are you talking about?" Jiyeon asked her.
"I heard a male voice he said he is going to find me!" Beomyoo told her.
"Ok Beomyoo I think you had enough shopping today I'll text Sehyoon to come pick you up" Jiyeon told her.
"No Jiyeon I'm being serious" Beomyoo told her.
"Well to bad Sehyoon's coming anyways" Jiyeon told her.

They waited until Sehyoon came.

"Thanks Sehyoon for picking up Beomyoo she was acting weird" Jiyeon told Sehyoon behind Beomyoo's back

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"Thanks Sehyoon for picking up Beomyoo she was acting weird" Jiyeon told Sehyoon behind Beomyoo's back.
"No problem enjoy shopping!" Sehyoon told Jiyeon.

Beomyoo and Sehyoon walked back to Sehyoon's car.

"So Yoo what happened at the mall?" Sehyoon asked Beomyoo.
"Well Jiyeon was shopping and I was following her. And while I was walking I heard a males voice in my head and he sounded angry and so I asked who was that in my head and he responded" Beomyoo explained to Sehyoon.
"Hmmm" Sehyoon thought. "Yoo did you get any drawings or something on your body?" Sehyoon asked Beomyoo.
"Yeah I did I got this drawing of a broken rose." Beomyoo told him. "Jiyeon said it was a soulmate tattoo" Beomyoo said.
"Hmm that's what I thought" Sehyoon said to himself. "You were communicating with your soulmate through thoughts" Sehyoon told Beomyoo. "You said he sounded angry right?" Sehyoon asked Beomyoo.
"Yeah he did it was kinda scary" Beomyoo told him.
"Since he was feeling frustrated the universe must have thought you could help him through thoughts" Sehyoon told her.
"Clearly it didn't work" Beomyoo mumbled.

Sehyoon chuckled.

"It's ok Yooie" He said focused on the road.

They stopped at a red light and Sehyoon's phone buzzed. He glanced at it

"Shit" Sehyoon said under his breathe but it was loud enough for Beomyoo to hear.
"What?" Beomyoo asked.
"Nothing Beomyoo it's just we're going to take longer to get home" Sehyoon said with a serious tone.

"Nothing Beomyoo it's just we're going to take longer to get home" Sehyoon said with a serious tone

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Oooo what's going to happen next
And if you're wondering it is Sehyoon from A.C.E
I did not re read any of this over so if there's any mistakes I'm sorry

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